Inside this issue
2021 FSAC Announcement ......... 1
Payment and Print Soluons Division
(PPSD) News............................... 2
Economic Impact Payments ........ 2 News ............................... 4 News ........................... 4
NPCE Contacts ............................ 5
Special points of interest
Historic Payment Processing
News on &
New Names, Same Great Service!
Bureau of the Fiscal Service has renamed its Financial Centers. The Kansas
City Financial Center (KFC) name has changed to the National Payment
Center of Excellence (NPCE), and the Philadelphia Financial Center (PFC)
name has changed to the National Payment Integrity and Resolution Center
(NPIRC). These changes are the result of an internal reorganization and will
have no impact on the service you receive.
2021 Fiscal Service Advisory Council (FSAC)
Payments Forum
Date: June 22-24, 2021
Locaon: Teams Live Event
This year, for the first time, Fiscal Service will host the Fiscal Service Advisory
Council (FSAC) Payments Forum as a virtual, online event. The FSAC is a great
opportunity for agencies to hear about new and updated federal
government payment products, services, and initiatives. We hope you will be
able to join us to learn more about the future of payments.
Participation is open to all Federal Agencies. Multiple representatives from
each Federal Program Agency are welcome to attend. However, voting on
Council initiatives will be limited to one vote for each agency processing site.
Stay tuned for registraon details.
For more informaon about FSAC, visit the event page:
Spring Edion | April 2021
National Payment Center of
Excellence Dispatch
Keeping Customers Connected and Informed!
The Payment and Print Solutions Division (PPSD) – formerly the Payment and
Mail Operations Branch (PMOB) is the group within the National Payment
Center of Excellence (NPCE) that supports all payment and print operations.
PPSD assists Federal Agencies both with processing payments – on time, every
time! – as well as providing custom print solutions.
2020 was a historic and busy year for PPSD. With many employees and
customers working remotely, providing print solutions proved particularly
challenging. PPSD has worked hard throughout the pandemic to continue to
deliver the seamless services our customers expect, and we are committed to
continuing to meet all of your payment and print solution needs. We look
forward to continuing this work with you in 2021.
To get more information or assistance with payment questions, payment
processing timelines, or printing capabilities for letters or documents, please
contact one of our payment analysts at
KFC.Control.Paym[email protected]ov or 816-414-2350. For assistance
with special mail handling requests, please email the team at
KFC-Special-H[email protected]ov. Note: we will be updating our email
addresses to reflect our new name so be on the lookout for that new
Payment and Print Soluons Division (PPSD) News
Historic Payments Processed for the Economic Impact Payments (EIP)
If you have General Payment
related quesons, please send an
email to:
Round One of the COVID Smulus Payments in 2020
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or the CARES Act, has been the government's largest
intervention in the U.S. economy since the Great Depression. The two trillion-dollar response to the COVID-19 pandemic
provided financial relief to individuals, businesses, and state & local governments. The Fiscal Service was critical to the
implementation of four of the major relief programs established by the CARES Act.
In April 2020, more than 23 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits. The CARES Act provided $300 billion for
payments to individuals, including $1200 for each eligible recipient and $500 payments for each dependent child.
Working with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Fiscal Service's Kansas City and Philadelphia Financial Centers
issued 81 million payments within three weeks of the passage of the CARES Act disbursing direct deposit and check
payments to Americans in need. By June 3, 2020, the Fiscal Service had disbursed $267 billion to 159 million Americans,
delivering 75% of the payments electronically.
Round Two of the COVID Smulus Payments in 2020
On December 29, 2020, only two days after the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act
was signed into law, Fiscal Service disbursed more than 113 million electronic Economic Impact Payments (EIP) in
only seven hours! This coordinated response required tremendous teamwork between the IRS, Fiscal Service, and
Federal Reserve Bank (FRB). The EFT payments – valued at over $112 billion – were delivered to financial institutions
by 11:00 a.m. Eastern time on December 30, to give
Americans access to the money they needed!
On December 30, 2020, Fiscal Service began issuing
checks and distributing Direct Express payments and
cards. The Payment and Mail Operations Branches in
Kansas City and Philadelphia began printing and mailing
nearly 26 million checks totaling $22.7 billion.
Additionally, more than two million payments were
made to existing Direct Express card recipients – totaling $1.25 billion – and on January 4, 2021, eight million new
EIP Cards valued at $7.1 billion were sent to eligible recipients.
The lessons learned in round one allowed Fiscal Service, IRS, and FRB to be ready for the more recent rounds of
stimulus payments. The preparation and testing including the development of streamlined workflow tools by Fiscal
Services Information and Security Services (ISS) – allowed subsequent stimulus programs to be processed even
faster. During round one Fiscal Service processed 163 million payments within two months with 84 million of those
payments delivered as EFTs within two weeks. With round two, the National Payment Center of Excellence (NPCE)
set a single day processing record processing 113 million transactions in one day!
Round Three of the COVID Smulus Payments in 2021
Continuing the success of rounds one and two, on Friday, March 12, 2021 – less than 24 hours after the American
Rescue Plan of 2021 was signed into law – Fiscal Service disbursed more than 90 million electronic economic impact
stimulus payments totaling $242.3 billion dollars.
We want to extend a
special thanks to the IRS
for partnering with
Bureau of the Fiscal
Service to deliver this
much needed relief
quickly and seamlessly to
the American people!
For more information on the
Economic Impact Stimulus work, please see:
Fun Fact:
Only 10 Financial
disbursed more than
113M ACH Credits
for the enre year in
International Treasury Services ( is the Bureau of the Fiscal Service payment system that gives Federal
Agencies the ability to issue payments to more than 200 countries world-wide. provides many payment and
delivery options, including: payments in any of 140 different foreign currencies (FX) – including supporting electronic
U.S. dollar payments, one-time or recurring payment capabilities, and the ability to send benefit, payroll, and vendor
payments directly to recipients outside the United States.
Throughout 2021, will be offering training seminars during the last week of every month. The courses will
cover different features of the application, including: how to create reports, how to create templates, and
how to stop, trace, or recall a payment. The training is free of charge and open to all enrolled users. Each hour
-long class will include a training manual that can be used as a reference guide to help users get the most out of the system. Please see the training schedule below and register for courses at:
Automated Standard Application for Payments ( has been busy working with the Department of Justice
(DOJ) to enroll several large Justice programs. In October 2020, the DOJ launched a new grants management system
the Justice Grants System (JustGrants) – which allowed the Department to convert grants management for the
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), and the Office on
Violence Against Women (OVW) to the Department of Treasurys system. offers DOJ and their
grantees several key benefits.
Simplifies the user experience by allowing grantees to draw funds securely from Agency controlled and
pre-authorized accounts
Reduces the amount of time grantees wait for funds by offering both same-day and next day payment
settlement options
Allows grantees and Recipient Organizations (ROs) to leverage existing ASAP profiles to access funds from
multiple agencies to simplify account management and save time
This has been a major effort for the DOJ – which has approximately 20,000 grant ROs. DOJ plans to migrate 5,000 ROs
this fiscal year and anticipates processing 65,000 grant payments through in the first year — totaling $4
billion dollars. They are off to a great start. On October 15th, their first day using, DOJ programs authorized
$2.9 Billion in grants through ASAP.
Internaonal Treasury Services ( Training News
Automated Standard Applicaon for Payments (
Agency Conversion News