International Monetary Fund | April 2023 91
Supply-chain disruptions and rising geopolitical tensions
have brought the risks and potential benefits and costs
of geoeconomic fragmentation to the center of the policy
debate. This chapter studies how such fragmentation can
reshape the geography of foreign direct investment (FDI)
and, in turn, how FDI fragmentation can affect the
global economy. The recent slowdown in FDI has been
characterized by divergent patterns across host countries,
with flows increasingly concentrated among geopolitically
aligned countries, particularly in strategic sectors. Several
emerging market and developing economies are highly
vulnerable to FDI relocation, given their reliance on FDI
from geopolitically distant countries. In the long term,
FDI fragmentation arising from the emergence of geopolit-
ical blocs can generate large output losses. These losses may
be especially severe for emerging market and developing
economies facing heightened restrictions from advanced
economies, which are their major sources of FDI. Mul-
tilateral efforts to preserve global integration are the best
way to reduce the large and widespread economic costs of
FDI fragmentation. When multilateral agreements are not
feasible, multilateral consultations and processes to miti-
gate the spillover effects of unilateral policies are required.
In a more fragmented world, some countries could reduce
their vulnerability by promoting private sector develop-
ment, while others could take advantage of the diversion
of investment flows to attract new FDI by undertak-
ing structural reforms and improving infrastructure.
Rising geopolitical tensions and the uneven distri-
bution of the gains from globalization have contrib-
uted to increasing skepticism toward multilateralism
and to the growing appeal of inward-looking policies
(Colantone and Stanig 2018; Rodrik 2018; Autor
e authors of this chapter are JaeBin Ahn, Benjamin Carton,
Ashique Habib, Davide Malacrino, Dirk Muir, and Andrea
Presbitero, under the guidance of Shekhar Aiyar, and with support
from Shan Chen, Youyou Huang, Carlos Morales, Chao Wang, and
Ilse Peirtsegaele. e chapter benefited from comments by Richard
Baldwin and seminar participants and reviewers. Eswar Prasad was a
consultant for the project.
and others 2020; Pastor and Veronesi 2021). Brexit,
trade tensions between the US and China, and Russias
invasion of Ukraine pose a challenge to international
relations and could lead to policy-driven reversal of
global economic integration, a process referred to as
geoeconomic fragmentation. is process encom-
passes different channels, including trade, capital,
and migration flows.
is chapter focuses on one
specific channel—the fragmentation of foreign direct
investment (FDI), which is cross-border investment
through which foreign investors establish a stable and
long-lasting influence over domestic enterprises.
A slowdown in globalization—often referred to as
slowbalization”—is not new. For most countries it
dates to the aftermath of the global financial crisis
(Antràs 2021; Baldwin 2022). A decrease in FDI has
been particularly visible, with global FDI declining
from 3.3 percent of GDP in the 2000s to 1.3 percent
between 2018 and 2022 (Figure 4.1; see also
UNCTAD 2022 for an overview of recent trends in
FDI). While a range of factors have contributed to this
protracted phase of slowbalization, the fragmentation
of capital flows along geopolitical fault lines and the
potential emergence of regional geopolitical blocs are
novel elements that could have large negative spillovers
to the global economy.
Firms and policymakers are increasingly looking at
strategies for moving production processes to trusted
countries with aligned political preferences to make
supply chains less vulnerable to geopolitical tensions.
Aiyar and others (2023) present signs of geoeconomic fragmen-
tation along different dimensions (for example, trade, capital flows,
and reassessments of geopolitical risk), analyze several channels
through which such fragmentation could propagate through the
global economy, and discuss how the rules-based multilateral system
must adapt to the changing world. See the April 2023 Global
Financial Stability Report for an analysis of the effects of geoeco-
nomic fragmentation on non-FDI flows, with implications for
financial stability and macro volatility.
e term “reshoring” refers to a country’s transfer of (part of the)
global supply chain back home (or geographically closer to home in
the case of “nearshoring”). “Friend-shoring” limits supply-chain net-
works and the sourcing of inputs to countries allied with the home
country and trusted partners that share similar values. e chapter
uses these terms in relation to the decision to relocate FDI (rather
than to the more general decision of where to source inputs).
92 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
A text-mining analysis of earnings call reports from
a large sample of multinational corporations shows
a sharp spike in firms’ interest in reshoring and
friend-shoring (Figure 4.2), occurring at the same time
that the average geopolitical distance across country
pairs started increasing. Recently, US Treasury Sec-
retary Janet Yellen (2022) argued that rather than
relying heavily on countries with which the US has
geopolitical tensions, US firms should move toward
friend-shoring of supply chains to a large number of
trusted countries. In Europe, the French government
has been urging the EU to accelerate production
targets, weaken state aid rules, and develop a “Made
in Europe” strategy to counter domestic production
subsidies provided by the US Inflation Reduction Act
(Tamma and Stolton 2023). In China, too, govern-
ment directives aim to replace imported technology
with local alternatives to reduce dependence on geo-
political rivals (Bloomberg News 2022). Rising interest
in reshoring is a significant reversal of the division
of production pursued through offshoring, driven
predominantly by differences in labor and input costs
(Feenstra 1998; Antràs and Yeaple 2014).
e importance of friend-shoring goes
beyond just announcements and translates into
investment-screening measures motivated by national
security purposes (UNCTAD 2023). Recent large-scale
policies implemented by major countries to strengthen
domestic strategic manufacturing sectors suggest
that a shift in cross-border capital flows is about to
take place. Most notable is a series of recent bills
adopted against the backdrop of rising US-China trade
tensions—such as the Creating Helpful Incentives to
Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act
and the Inflation Reduction Act in the US and the
European Chips Act—that could affect multinational
corporations’ production and sourcing strategies,
prompting efforts to reconfigure their supply-chain
networks (Box 4.1).
is reconfiguration of supply chains could poten-
tially strengthen domestic security and help maintain a
technological advantage. It may also increase diver-
sification, provided the existing supply of inputs is
concentrated in a single or a small number of foreign
suppliers, such that domestic and close-country sourc-
ing would increase the number of available options.
However, as most countries exhibit a marked degree
of home bias in sourcing of inputs (see Chapter 4 of
the April 2022 World Economic Outlook), in most cases
reshoring or friend-shoring to existing partners will
likely reduce diversification and make countries more
vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks.
is chapter studies how geoeconomic fragmenta-
tion could affect the global economy through a shift
in the geographic footprint of FDI. While a grow-
ing literature investigates the costs of geoeconomic
Trade in goods and services
Gross foreign direct
investment (right scale)
Figure 4.1. “Slowbalization”
(Percent of GDP)
Foreign direct investment sharply declined after the global financial crisis.
1980 85 90 95 2000 05 10 15 22
Source: IMF staff calculations.
Geopolitical risk (annual average, 1985–2019 = 100)
Interest in reshoring (right scale)
trade war
Figure 4.2. Rising Geopolitical Tensions and Foreign Direct
Investment Fragmentation
(Index; frequency of mentions of reshoring on right scale)
Recent years have seen increasing geopolitical risk and companies’ interest in
reshoring and friend-shoring.
2005 08 11 14 17 20 22
Sources: Bailey, Strezhnev, and Voeten (2017); Hassan and others (2019); NL
Analytics; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: The interest in reshoring measures the frequency of mentions of reshoring,
friend-shoring, or near-shoring in firms’ earnings calls.
93International Monetary Fund | April 2023
fragmentation through trade and technological
existing work has not yet looked directly
at FDI fragmentation. But this is likely to be a relevant
channel through which the emergence of geopolit-
ical blocs could have global spillovers. In fact, FDI
accounts for a substantial share of domestic capital
stock globally—about 12 percent, on average—and is
generally associated with knowledge transfer to domes-
tic firms and economic growth, especially in emerging
market and developing economies (Alfaro and others
2004; Javorcik 2004; Kose and others 2009). A reloca-
tion of FDI closer to source countries could have direct
negative effects on current host economies through
lower capital and technological deepening, as firms
expressing interest in reshoring and friend-shoring
tend to be on average larger, more profitable, and more
knowledge-intensive (Figure 4.3).
Against this backdrop, this chapter starts by looking
for early signs of FDI fragmentation, using detailed
bilateral investment-level data on FDI from 2003
to the end of 2022. It investigates two questions:
(1) Is there any evidence of reallocation of FDI across
countries, indicating that flows are becoming more
fragmented? and (2) Do geopolitical factors contribute
to explaining bilateral FDI flows, so that countries
deepen their integration with friends and reduce
their reliance on foes? e chapter develops a multi-
dimensional index of countries’ vulnerability to FDI
relocation combining information on the geopolitical
distance between source and host countries, share of
strategic sector investment in total FDI inflows, and
degree of market power enjoyed by the host country.
Next, the chapter turns to quantifying the potential
costs of FDI fragmentation and their distribution across
countries. To understand the channels through which a
potential unwinding of FDI could affect host coun-
tries, the chapter empirically examines FDI spillovers,
taking both macro- and micro-level approaches. An
extensive literature on the economic effects of FDI on
host countries does not deliver consistent results when
simply looking at aggregate flows (Bénétrix, Pallan, and
Panizza 2022). e chapter extends this literature by
conducting a country-level analysis of the relationship
between GDP growth and FDI separately for horizontal
See, among others, Cerdeiro and others (2021); Eppinger and
others (2021); Felbermayr, Mahlkow, and Sandkamp (2022);
Giammetti and others (2022); Góes and Bekkers (2022); and Javorcik
and others (2022). A related literature looks at the effects of Brexit and
the 2018–19 US-China trade war; see Caliendo and Parro (2021) and
Fajgelbaum and Khandelwal (2022) for an extensive review.
and vertical investment, as the latter is more likely to be
affected by geoeconomic fragmentation. A subsequent
firm-level analysis combines investment-level FDI data
with a large sample of cross-country firm-level surveys
to identify potential spillovers to firm labor productivity
within and across sectors along the value chain.
Finally, the chapter calibrates a number of illustra-
tive hypothetical scenarios to provide a sense of the
possible long-term economic implications of FDI frag-
mentation using a multiregion dynamic stochastic gen-
eral equilibrium (DSGE) model. It employs scenarios
to explore the distribution of costs and benefits across
economies, including those from spillovers through
external demand and the reallocation of production
capacity. Fragmentation is modeled as a permanent rise
in investment barriers between opposing geopolitical
blocs centered on the two largest economies (China
and the US), with economies pursuing a nonaligned
path potentially facing heightened uncertainty.
e main conclusions from the chapter
are as follows:
The recent slowdown in FDI has been character-
ized by divergent patterns across host countries,
particularly when considering investment in
strategic sectors, like semiconductors. FDI flows
are increasingly concentrated among countries that
are geopolitically aligned. The role of geopolitical
No mention of reshoring
With mention of reshoring
Figure 4.3. Interest in Reshoring and Firm Characteristics
Firms more likely to reshore are larger and more productive.
Number of
(dollars, logarithm)
Intangible assets
(share of total
(EBIT to assets)
Sources: Compustat; Hassan and others (2019); NL Analytics; and IMF staff
Note: Simple averages across firms that mentioned or did not mention reshoring,
friend-shoring, and near-shoring in earnings calls. Differences across groups are
statistically significant. EBIT = earnings before interest and taxes.
94 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
alignment in driving the geographic footprint of
FDI is particularly relevant for emerging market and
developing economies and has increased since 2018,
with the resurgence of trade tensions between the
US and China. Thus, if geopolitical tensions were
to increase and countries were to move farther apart
along geopolitical fault lines, FDI is likely to become
more concentrated within blocs of aligned countries.
Efforts to preserve a multilateral dialogue are needed
to keep FDI fragmentation from increasing.
Analysis from a multidimensional index of vulner-
ability to FDI relocation suggests that, on average,
emerging market and developing economies are
more vulnerable to such relocation than advanced
economies. This is mostly because of emerging mar-
ket and developing economies’ reliance on FDI from
countries with which they are relatively unaligned
geopolitically. Several large emerging markets,
across different regions, show high vulnerabilities to
relocation of FDI, indicating that the fragmentation
scenario is not a risk only for a few countries. As
better regulatory quality is associated with lower
vulnerability, countries could mitigate their exposure
to FDI relocation by introducing policies and regu-
lations to promote private sector development.
A further contraction in FDI and a shift in its geo-
graphic distribution would likely have large negative
effects on host countries, through lower capital accu-
mulation and technological deepening. The chapter
finds that vertical FDI, more likely to be targeted by
policies aimed at friend-shoring investment in strate-
gic sectors, is associated with economic growth, not
least because of its knowledge-intensive nature. The
entry of multinational corporations also directly bene-
fits domestic firms. In advanced economies, increased
competition from foreign firms pushes domestic firms
to become more productive. In emerging market and
developing economies, domestic suppliers benefit
from technology transfers and increased local demand
for inputs from foreign firms in downstream sectors.
Illustrative model-based scenarios suggest that FDI
fragmentation—modeled as a permanent rise in
cross-bloc barriers to importing investment inputs—
could substantially reduce global output, by about
2 percent in the long term. Simulations of various
hypothetical scenarios suggest that the losses are
likely to be unevenly distributed, with emerging
market and developing economies with reduced
access to advanced economies particularly affected,
through both lower capital formation and reduced
productivity gains. While the diversion of invest-
ment inputs could allow some economies to gain,
such benefits could be significantly offset by spill-
overs from lower external demand. Alternate sce-
narios are used to highlight that nonaligned regions
could have some negotiating power vis-à-vis the
geopolitical blocs. However, uncertainty regarding
their alignment could restrict their ability to attract
investment. The estimated output losses highlight
the importance of carefully balancing the strategic
motivations behind reshoring and friend-shoring
against economic costs to the countries themselves
and to third parties, including through multilateral
consultations to reduce uncertainty for bystanders.
Early Signs of FDI Fragmentation
Recent trends point to the emergence of FDI fragmen-
tation. is chapter relies on investment-level data on
new (greenfield) FDI from fDi Markets, which provides
data on about 300,000 investments from the first quarter
of 2003 to the fourth quarter of 2022. e richness
of the data—which include information on the source
and host countries and on the sector and purpose of the
investment—allows for zooming in on specific regions,
country pairs, and industries.
It also permits classifica-
tion of certain sectors as “strategic”: those for which poli-
cymakers may be particularly interested in relocation due
to national and economic security interests.
the chapter, the number of greenfield foreign direct
investments is used as the measure of FDI.
As the data do not show divestment, the chapter studies the
geographic footprint of new direct investments. Once aggregated
at the host country–year level, the investment-level data are highly
correlated with gross FDI inflows, and the distributions of the two
show a large degree of overlap, as also shown by Toews and Vézina
(2022). As data on mergers and acquisitions are not available from
the same data source, the analysis is based exclusively on greenfield
investments. New (greenfield) investments are more numerous than
mergers and acquisitions, especially in emerging market and devel-
oping economies; are more highly correlated with aggregate data on
FDI; and are less frequently concentrated in tax havens. To mitigate
the risk that findings are affected by phantom FDI (Damgaard,
Elkjaer, and Johannesen 2019), the robustness of the analysis is
tested excluding FDI from and to international financial centers.
More details are discussed in Online Annex 4.1. All online annexes
are available at www .imf .org/ en/ Publications/ WEO.
e chapter defines strategic sectors at the three-digit industry
level. More details are discussed in Online Annex 4.1.
As investment values in the fDi Markets data set are often estimated,
the chapter’s main analysis relies on the number of investments; in the
chapter, a change in FDI refers to a change in the number of greenfield
foreign direct investments. Online Annex 4.1 shows that the main
results are robust to the use of investment values.
95International Monetary Fund | April 2023
Many factors likely contributed to the slowdown
in FDI before the pandemic, such as increasing
automation and other technological changes (Alonso
and others 2022). Yet some recent patterns point to
increased FDI fragmentation as geopolitical tensions
and inward-looking policies have gained importance.
e flow of strategic FDI to Asian countries started
to decline in 2019 and has recovered only mildly
in recent quarters. By contrast, flows of strategic
investments to the US and Europe have proved more
resilient. As a result, by the fourth quarter of 2022,
a significant gap emerged between new investment
directed to these regions, with strategic FDI to Europe
about twice that going to Asian countries (Figure 4.4,
panel 1). Fragmentation—and specifically the lack of
recovery of FDI to China—is even more apparent for
foreign investment in R&D and in specific strate-
gic industries, such as the semiconductor industry
(Figure 4.4, panel 2), which both the US and the
European Union have targeted with policies directed at
strengthening domestic production and reducing the
vulnerability from unaligned foreign suppliers.
ese patterns are indicative of a more general
process of reallocation of FDI flows across countries.
FDI declined in the post-pandemic period from the
second quarter of 2020 to the fourth quarter of 2022 by
almost 20 percent compared to the post–global financial
crisis pre-pandemic average. But this decline has been
extremely uneven across regions, with the emergence of
relative winners and losers as both source and host of FDI
(Figure 4.5). Asia became less relevant both as a source
and host, losing market share vis-à-vis almost all other
regions. Notably, FDI to and from China declined by
even more than the Asian average, although the persistent
effect of the pandemic and prolonged lockdowns could
also have contributed to the fall in foreign investment.
In other regions, such as the US and emerging Europe,
greenfield FDI declined less and, in some cases, even
increased (for example, inflows to emerging Europe).
United States Europe
China Asia (excluding China)
trade war COVID-19
trade war
Figure 4.4. Foreign Direct Investment Fragmentation
(Number of investments, four-quarter moving average, 2015:Q1 = 100)
Foreign direct investment flows to different regions are diverging, with China
losing market share.
1. In Strategic Sectors
17:Q1 19:Q1 21:Q1 22:
2. In Semiconductor Industry
17:Q1 19:Q1 21:Q1 22:
Sources: fDi Markets; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Vertical lines indicate the start of US-China trade war, the start of the
COVID-19 pandemic, and the start of the Ukraine war, respectively.
–6.9 –17.8 –31.3 –44.3 –31.9
–3.2 –8.7
–11.7 –2.4
–23.7 –49.2
27.6 2.9 9.9 18.1 –22.3 13.9 –11.5
9.3 –0.9 –9.8 –19.7 8.6
18.6 27.3 14.9 34.0 5.9 –13.3 27.6
9.2 0.6 19.4 2.3 –40.6 21.6
Figure 4.5. Foreign Direct Investment Reallocation across
Regions, 2020:Q2–22:Q4 versus 2015:Q1–20:Q1
(Percentage point deviation from aggregate change)
The regional shift in foreign direct investment flows shows winners and losers.
Source regions
Rest of
the world
Asia excl.
excl. US
United States
excl. US
Rest of
Destination regions
Sources: fDi Markets; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Figure shows deviation of regional foreign direct investment change from
aggregate change (19.5 percent decline). Changes are computed using the number
of greenfield foreign direct investments in 2020:Q2–22:Q4 and average number in
2015:Q1–20:Q1. Green (red) shading denotes positive (negative) numbers.
Excl. = excluding.
96 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
In regard to outward FDI from the US, the bot-
tom row of Figure 4.5 shows that US FDI to China
declined by much more than the average global decline.
At the same time, US FDI to other regions—and
particularly to emerging Europe—was more resilient.
is shift in the composition of outward US FDI can
be analyzed in detail, looking at differences between
host economies (Figure 4.6). Among major Asian and
European recipients of US FDI, some of the relative
winners (for example, Canada, Korea) are politically
closer to the US than the relative losers (for example,
China, Vietnam). is suggests that geopolitical factors
have driven part of the shift in FDI flows in recent
years. e next section investigates this issue in detail.
FDI Is Becoming More Responsive to Geopolitical Factors
Rising geopolitical tensions are a key driver of
FDI fragmentation, as bilateral FDI is increasingly
concentrated among countries that share similar
geopolitical views (Figure 4.7). is chapter measures
geopolitical alignment between countries using the
“ideal point distance” proposed by Bailey, Strezhnev,
and Voeten (2017), which is based on the similarity
of voting patterns at the United Nations General
As transportation costs and geographic
frictions also influence FDI decisions (Alfaro and
Chen 2018; Ramondo, Rodríguez-Clare, and Tintelnot
2015), it is informative to compare their roles with
that of geopolitical alignment. e share of FDI
among countries that are geopolitically aligned is larger
than the share going to countries geographically close,
suggesting that geopolitical preferences play a key role
as a driver of FDI. In addition, the importance of geo-
political alignment has increased over the last decade,
Recent analysis of geoeconomic fragmentation looks at recent
votes, such as the UN General Assembly vote on Resolution ES-11/1
on aggression against Ukraine on March 2, 2022 (Chapter 3 of
the October 2022 Regional Economic Outlook: Asia and Pacific;
Javorcik and others 2022). However, this chapter looks at the role of
geopolitical alignment over a longer period: the last 20 years. In this
respect, the ideal point distance has the advantage of being compa-
rable over time. Although the ideal point distance is widely used in
political science and in economics, scholars have proposed alternative
measures. e findings of the chapter are robust to the use of the
S score used in the April 2023 Global Financial Stability Report and
proposed by Signorino and Ritter (1999), who assign numeric values
to voting behavior in the UN General Assembly and calculate the
degree of disagreement between two countries by computing the
sum of squared differences of these values.
Sources: fDi Markets; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Figure shows the deviation of outward US foreign direct investment change
by destination from aggregate change (24 percent decline). Changes are
computed using the number of greenfield foreign direct investments from the
United States to Europe and Asia in 2020:Q4–22:Q2 and average number in
2015:Q1–20:Q1. Labels on the x-axis use International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) country codes. “TWN” refers to “Taiwan Province of China.”
US foreign direct investment partly shifted from less to more aligned countries.
Figure 4.6. Change in Outward US Foreign Direct Investment,
2020:Q2–22:Q4 versus 2015:Q1–20:Q1
(Percentage point deviation from aggregate change)
Geopolitical distance Geographical distance
2003 06 09 12 15 18 21
Figure 4.7. Foreign Direct Investment between
Geographically and Geopolitically Close Countries
Sources: Bailey, Strezhnev, and Voeten (2017); Centre d’études prospectives et
d’informations internationales, Gravity database; fDi Markets; and IMF staff
Note: Figure shows the annual share of total foreign direct investments between
country pairs that are similarly distant (that is, in same quintile of distance
distribution), geopolitically and geographically, from the United States.
The importance of geopolitical distance for foreign direct investment has
97International Monetary Fund | April 2023
and increased more steeply than the importance of geo-
graphic distance, especially for FDI in strategic sectors.
e role of geopolitical alignment is significant and
economically relevant, particularly for emerging market
and developing economies, in a gravity model that con-
trols for other potential drivers of FDI flows. In the base-
line specification, an increase in the ideal point distance
from the first to the third quartile of its distribution
(equivalent to moving the distance from that between
Canada and Japan to that between Canada and Jordan)
is associated with a decline in FDI between countries of
about 17 percent. is average effect is much stronger
when emerging market and developing economies are
either a source or a host country. Moreover, since 2018,
coincident with increasing trade tensions between China
and the US, geopolitical factors have become more rele-
vant to FDI flows. Finally, the analysis suggests that these
factors matter more in regard to investments in strategic
sectors (Figure 4.8). us, if countries move farther apart
along geopolitical fault lines, FDI is likely to become
more concentrated within blocs of geopolitically aligned
countries. Moreover, fragmentation risks are not confined
to FDI flows. Zooming in on non-FDI flows points out
a sharp increase in countries’ exposure to financial frag-
mentation risk, which could trigger a significant global
reallocation of capital in response to a rise in geopolitical
tensions (Box 4.2). Such tensions matter significantly
for cross-border portfolio allocation and could cause a
sudden reversal of cross-border capital flows, especially
in emerging market and developing economies (see the
April 2023 Global Financial Stability Report).
e findings reported in Figure 4.8 are based on a
gravity model that takes bilateral FDI as the depen-
dent variable and controls for standard push-and-pull
factors, including a set of time-varying fixed effects for
source and host countries (Kox and Rojas-Romagosa
To minimize the possibility that the coefficient
e analysis is based on estimating the following specification:
= f
+ β Gravity
+ τ
+ υ
, ε
, where bilateral FDI flows
(measured by the number of investments) from the source country s
to the host country d in year t is a function of the lagged value of IPD
(the ideal point distance) between countries d and s. As is standard in
gravity models, the specification controls for the geographic distance
between source and host countries and other standard gravity controls,
and absorbs any time-varying unobservable push-and-pull factors,
adding source country × year and host country × year fixed effects.
ese fixed effects would capture, for instance, business cycle dynam-
ics that could push FDI outflows from a source country and attract
inflows into a host country. As, by construction, most of the FDI
cells are 0, the model is estimated using Poisson pseudo-maximum
likelihood (Santos Silva and Tenreyro 2006). Standard errors are
clustered at the country-pair level.
on the index of geopolitical distance captures the
role of other factors that could drive FDI, the model
is augmented to include measures of geographic,
cultural, and institutional distance and a historical
measure of colonial ties. As expected, the inclusion
of these variables—which are indeed associated with
bilateral FDI flows—reduces the size of the coefficient
of the ideal point distance, which however remains
statistically and economically significant. e findings
are also robust to considering FDI in manufacturing
or services separately; excluding financial centers or
China; controlling for the announcement and imple-
mentation of bilateral trade barriers, for the volume of
bilateral trade, and for exchange rate effects; measuring
FDI by its size rather than the number of investments;
and considering cross-border mergers and acquisitions
rather than greenfield FDI. e methodology and the
results are described in Online Annex 4.1.
Which Host Countries Are More Vulnerable to
FDI Relocation?
To assess the exposure of the stock of FDI hosted
by an economy to geoeconomic fragmentation, the
Time periodsStrategic
Income groups
EMDEs (destination)
EMDEs (source)
AEs (destination)
AEs (source)
–0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Sources: Atlantic Council; Bailey, Strezhnev, and Voeten (2017); Centre d’études
prospectives et d’informations internationales, Gravity database; fDi Markets; NL
Analytics; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Coefficients of ideal point distance are estimated from gravity model for
number of foreign direct investments. See Online Annex 4.1 for details.
AEs = advanced economies; EMDEs = emerging market and developing
Greater geopolitical distance is associated with less foreign direct investment,
especially in EMDEs, in recent years and in strategic sectors.
Figure 4.8. Gravity Model for Ideal Point Distance and
Foreign Direct Investment
98 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
chapter develops a multidimensional index of vulner-
ability. It combines three subindices, based on three
dimensions relevant to geoeconomic fragmentation:
(1) the geopolitical distance between source and
host countries, (2) the degree of market power that
host countries have in each industry in which they
receive FDI, and (3) the strategic component of the
stock of FDI.
The geopolitical index captures the idea that the
greater the geopolitical distance between source
and host countries, the greater the vulnerability
to friend-shoring. The index is calculated for each
host country by multiplying the share of invest-
ment from each source country by the geopolit-
ical distance between host and source countries.
Given that most countries receive much of their
FDI from advanced economies and given that
those economies are geopolitically closer to one
another than to emerging market and develop-
ing economies, these economies are more geo-
politically vulnerable than advanced economies
(Figure 4.9, panel 1).
Countries with high market shares in trade of a
given sector may be less vulnerable to relocation
pressures in that sector, as foreign investors may
have fewer options for relocating investment. The
index of market power captures this dimension by
treating FDI in a particular sector as less vulnerable
if the host country is among the top 10 exporters in
that sector. By contrast, FDI in host countries that
are not among the top 10 exporters in that sector is
treated as fully vulnerable. Though the vast majority
of economies show low levels of protection from
market power, some large economies (for exam-
ple, China, Germany, US) do enjoy some level of
protection, being large exporters in many sectors
(Figure 4.9, panel 2).
The strategic index measures the share of inward
FDI in strategic sectors. This dimension of vulner-
ability shows substantial overlap between advanced
and emerging market and developing economies
(Figure 4.9, panel 3).
e geopolitical and strategic dimensions of
vulnerability are broadly uncorrelated and capture
distinct aspects of countries’ vulnerability to geoeco-
nomic fragmentation (Figure 4.10). Whereas geopo-
litical vulnerability is concentrated among emerging
market and developing economies—as shown by the
disproportionate share of red squares in the figure
Germany China
Figure 4.9. Vulnerability Index
Emerging market and developing economies tend to be more vulnerable to
relocation of foreign direct investment than advanced economies.
1. Geopolitical
AEs EMDEs SSA Europe Americas
Asia-Pacific MENAP-CCA
2. Market Power
AEs EMDEs SSA Europe Americas
Asia-Pacific MENAP-CCA
3. Strategic
AEs EMDEs SSA Europe Americas
Asia-Pacific MENAP-CCA
4. Aggregate
AEs EMDEs SSA Europe Americas
Asia-Pacific MENAP-CCA
Sources: Atlantic Council; Bailey, Strezhnev, and Voeten (2017); fDi Markets; NL
Analytics; Trade Data Monitor; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Figure shows distribution of vulnerability index by income and regional
groups, based on post-2009 foreign direct investment flows. AEs = advanced
economies; EMDEs = emerging market and developing economies;
MENAP-CCA = Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Caucasus, and
Central Asia; SSA = sub-Saharan Africa.
99International Monetary Fund | April 2023
to the right of the vertical line denoting the median
geopolitical index—many large advanced economies,
including the US, Germany, and Korea, are in the
top half of the distribution of strategic vulnerability.
e cluster of countries particularly vulnerable along
both dimensions includes some large emerging market
economies, such as Brazil, China, and India, but also
several other emerging market economies, suggesting
that FDI fragmentation is likely to be an issue for a
large set of countries.
e three subindices are combined to construct
an aggregate index. e aggregate index adds the
strategic and geopolitical dimensions, with the latter
multiplied by the market power index. Multiplying
the geopolitical dimension by the market power
index—bounded between 0 and 1—allows for a
dampening of the geopolitical vulnerability com-
ponent. is captures the idea that multinationals
that would like to move their investments out of
geopolitically distant countries will find it more
difficult to do so if the host country is a key player
in the global market in that sector. e strategic
dimension is added to the combined geopolitical and
market power component, as it reflects the height-
ened vulnerability of investments in specific sectors
in all host countries, not only those that are geopo-
litically distant, and such sectors are more likely to
be targeted with reshoring policies, offsetting any
protection from market power.
Overall, emerging
market and developing economies are more vulnera-
ble to FDI fragmentation than advanced economies,
even if there is large variation in the distribution of
the index and some overlap between advanced and
emerging market economies (for instance, 14 percent
of emerging market and developing economies have
a vulnerability index lower than the median for
advanced economies). e distribution across regions
shows the better position of Europe, while all other
regions show higher and similar levels of vulnerability
(Figure 4.9, panel 4).
While the aggregate vulnerability index is
intended to describe exposures of existing stocks to
relocation as they stand, policy measures could help
reduce future vulnerabilities. Beyond multilateral
Rather than simply combining a host country’s scores for the
three subindices, the aggregate index is built up from the sector–
source country level, such that market power offsets geopolitical
distance only for sectors in which the host economy is among the
top 10 exporters. e methodology for constructing the vulnerability
indices is discussed in Online Annex 4.2.
efforts to preserve cooperation, domestic policies
could also help, allowing economies to mitigate
some risks even in a geopolitically tense world.
Figure 4.11 suggests that stronger regulatory quality
tends to be associated with lower aggregate vulner-
ability to relocation of FDI. Improved regulatory
quality tends also to be associated with higher
exports, which could offer protection against reloca-
tion pressures.
FDI Spillovers to Host Countries
Besides direct effects on job creation and capital
formation, inward FDI could have spillover effects
on domestic firms through technology diffusion,
backward and forward linkages, and productivity
gains from increased competition.
When it comes
to empirical results, however, the effects are mixed
(Görg and Greenaway 2004; Bénétrix, Pallan, and
Panizza 2022). Cross-country studies reveal that the
effect of inward FDI is uneven and depends on host
Formal descriptions of each channel are developed in
Rodríguez-Clare (1996) for backward and forward linkages, Glass
and Saggi (1998) for the technology spillover effect, and Barba
Navaretti and Venables (2004) for the pro-competitive effect. For
a more skeptical view on the gains from financial integration, see
Gourinchas and Jeanne (2006).
Advanced economies
Emerging market and
developing economies
Figure 4.10. Geopolitical Index and Strategic Index
Strategic and geopolitical indices capture distinct vulnerabilities.
Strategic index
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Geopolitical index
Sources: Atlantic Council; Bailey, Strezhnev, and Voeten (2017); fDi Markets; NL
Analytics; Trade Data Monitor; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Data are based on post-2009 foreign direct investment flows. Horizontal line
indicates the median value of strategic index, 0.09, and vertical line indicates the
median value of geopolitical index, 0.5. Labels in the figure use International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) country codes.
100 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
countries’ human capital (Borensztein, De Gregorio,
and Lee 1998), institutional quality (Kose and others
2009), and financial development (Alfaro and others
2004). e lack of consistent findings may stem from
FDI heterogeneity along the mode of entry, the type
of investment, and the relationship between foreign
and domestic firms. e evidence is generally more
informative for specific types of FDI and spillovers
along the value chain (Harrison and Rodríguez-Clare
2010). Hence, the analysis here explores two important
dimensions: the distinction between horizontal and
vertical FDI and differences in spillovers within and
across industries.
Horizontal versus Vertical FDI
Horizontal FDI refers to foreign firms entering a
country to directly serve local markets. By contrast,
vertical FDI takes place when foreign firms enter
a country to produce inputs that will be supplied
e interpretation of the results should take into account the
potential endogeneity of FDI, which is in part addressed by using
lagged values of FDI and including fixed effects (especially in the
firm-level analysis).
to affiliated firms.
is distinction is particularly
relevant in the context of geoeconomic fragmentation,
given that vertical FDI is likely more exposed to FDI
fragmentation risk than horizontal FDI. Higher trade
barriers, for instance, would make horizontal FDI
more attractive—as it could be a substitute for trade
(Brainard 1997)—while making vertical FDI less
attractive. Moreover, vertical FDI is often centered on
advanced technology embodied in input production
and thus is more likely to be the target of policies
aimed at reshoring strategic production.
Vertical FDI is positively associated with economic
growth, as it is concentrated among intermediate-goods
producers that adopt more sophisticated (and
skill-intensive) technology (Atalay, Hortaçsu, and
Syverson 2014; Ramondo, Rappoport, and Ruhl
2016). is is not the case for horizontal FDI, more
likely to be found among final-goods producers, which
tend to transfer simple (and labor-intensive) assembly
technology to host countries (Figure 4.12). ese find-
ings are obtained from cross-country growth regres-
sions, which are estimated separately for countries
more likely to receive vertical or horizontal FDI.
Spillovers within and across Industries
e effects of the entry of a multinational corpo-
ration on domestic firms could be different depend-
ing on whether those firms are in the same sector
or in other sectors—either upstream or downstream
along the value chain. For instance, consider Toshiba
setting up a chip-making plant in China. e Chinese
chipmakers are directly affected by the entry of
Toshiba (within-industry spillovers), as the increased
competition can either provide local firms with a
greater incentive to innovate, and thus to become
more productive, or crowd out local firms by stealing
e Samsung Electronics smartphone factory in India is
an example of horizontal FDI, as most of its products are sold
to Indian customers, whereas its semiconductor factory in
Vietnam is an example of vertical FDI, as its products are sold
mainly to Samsung’s own affiliates worldwide. Other relatively
minor types of FDI include export-platform FDI (for example,
Volkswagens plant in Mexico, which sells mostly to the US) and
export-supporting FDI (for example, Toyota Financial Services
USA, which offers US consumers financing options to facilitate
export sales from Japan).
is classification is based on detailed foreign subsidiary–level
sales information from the Export-Import Bank of Korea. e esti-
mation results are robust to alternative classifications based on parent
and subsidiary firms’ sector affiliations from Orbis. e methodology
and the results are described in more detail in Online Annex 4.3.
Linear fit
Figure 4.11. Vulnerability Index and Regulatory Quality
Higher regulatory quality is associated with lower vulnerabilities.
Aggregate vulnerability index
–1.5 –0.5–1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Regulatory quality index
Sources: Atlantic Council; Bailey, Strezhnev, and Voeten (2017); fDi Markets; NL
Analytics; Trade Data Monitor; World Bank, World Governance Indicators; and IMF
staff calculations.
Note: Sample includes a cross section of 128 countries. The binned scatterplots
are obtained from a regression of the aggregate vulnerability index against the
regulatory quality index, controlling for the logarithm of real GDP, trade (percent of
GDP), and foreign direct investment inflows (percent of GDP). All variables are
averaged over 2010–19. The regressions give a coefficient of the regulatory
quality index equal to –0.057 (p-value of 0.000).
101International Monetary Fund | April 2023
market share (Markusen and Venables 1999). At the
same time, there are spillovers to other industries
(cross-industry spillovers): Chinese silicon produc-
ers are also affected as they are big suppliers to the
chip-making industry (backward linkages). Moreover,
Chinese firms in the automobile industry will also be
affected as they are heavy users of semiconductor chips
(forward linkages).
Results based on a large sample of firm-level data
from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys covering
over 120,000 firms in 150 countries from 2006 to
2021 show positive spillovers to domestic firms in
the same industry (Figure 4.13, top graph). Positive
within-industry spillovers to firms’ labor productivity
are confined to advanced economies, where firms react
to fiercer competition from multinational corpora-
tions by becoming more productive. In the case of
cross-industry spillovers, domestic suppliers benefit
from the entry of foreign firms in downstream sectors,
as the latter may source inputs locally and increase
local demand for inputs produced by domestic firms.
Local suppliers may also benefit from learning by
doing via direct contact with foreign buyers with
better technology. ese positive spillovers to domestic
suppliers are driven by FDI in emerging market and
developing economies.
By contrast, there is no evi-
dence of spillovers to domestic users, even in emerg-
ing market and developing economies. is could be
because foreign firms in upstream sectors mostly sell
abroad, implying limited scope for positive technol-
ogy spillovers via direct contact with local buyers
(Figure 4.13, bottom two graphs).
A Model-Based Quantification of the Costs of
FDI Fragmentation
To investigate the long-term implications of poten-
tial FDI fragmentation, this section uses a multiregion
DSGE model to explore possible scenarios.
e sim-
ulations focus on fragmentation of investment flows
ese findings are consistent with those of Mercer-Blackman,
Xiang, and Khan (2021) on a smaller sample covering mostly
Asian countries.
e analysis uses the IMF’s Global Integrated Monetary and
Fiscal Model, further elaborated in Online Annex 4.4. A detailed
exposition of the model and its properties may be found in Kumhof
and others (2010) and Anderson and others (2013).
Figure 4.12. Foreign Direct Investment and Growth:
Horizontal versus Vertical
(Standardized coefficients)
Vertical foreign direct investment is associated with higher GDP growth in
emerging market and developing economies.
–0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
Sources: Export-Import Bank of Korea; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Figure reports the standardized coefficients obtained from cross-country
growth regression estimated separately for countries with horizontal foreign direct
investment and those with vertical. Solid bars indicate statistical significance at
1 percent level. See Online Annex 4.3 for details. AEs = advanced economies;
EMDEs = emerging market and developing economies.
Figure 4.13. Firm-Level Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers:
within Industries versus across Industries
(Standardized coefficients)
Foreign direct investment spillovers take place within industries in advanced
economies, while domestic suppliers benefit from foreign direct investment in
emerging market and developing economies.
–0.4–0.6 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
Sources: Eora Global Supply Chain Database; fDi Markets; World Bank Enterprise
Survey; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Figure reports the standardized coefficients obtained from firm-level
regression of labor productivity growth as a function of foreign direct investment
within and across industries. Solid bars indicate statistical significance at
1 percent level. See Online Annex 4.3 for details. AEs = advanced economies;
EMDEs = emerging market and developing economies.
Within industries
Across industries
102 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
arising from permanent barriers between geopolitical
blocs, as well as heightened uncertainty about the geo-
political alignment of different regions. e analysis,
and the various hypothetical scenarios, are intended to
illustrate some of the key economic mechanisms likely
to be at play and to provide a sense of overall output
losses and the distribution of costs and benefits across
economies, including those from spillovers through
external demand and the reallocation of production
capacity. e geopolitical coalitions considered are for
analytical purposes only and are not intended to indi-
cate alignment choices countries are likely to make.
e analysis focuses on two key roles of FDI:
its contribution to capital formation in host econ-
omies and the transmission of technologies and
productivity-enhancing management practices from
advanced to emerging market and developing econ-
omies. e model does not have explicit foreign
ownership of productive capital, and thus there is no
direct mapping to FDI.
e bilateral cross-border
flow of inputs into investment is instead used as a
proxy, since similarly to reductions in FDI, barriers to
the flow of such inputs directly reduce capital forma-
tion. e scenarios illustrate a 50 percent reduction
of such flows. Alongside, empirical estimates of the
correlation between FDI flows and labor productivity
are used to discipline the associated productivity losses
from a reduction in such flows. e analysis comple-
ments the literature, which has focused on the impact
of fragmentation through trade and associated knowl-
edge spillovers (Cerdeiro and others 2021; Eppinger
and others 2021; Góes and Bekkers 2022; Javorcik and
others 2022), although a full analysis of the interaction
between different aspects of geoeconomic fragmen-
tation is beyond the scope of this chapter. Box 4.3
discusses new evidence suggesting that the fragmen-
tation of international trade as a result of geopolitical
tensions could lead to lower output in most countries,
with emerging market and developing economies more
adversely affected than other country groups.
e simulations center on decoupling between the
two largest economies—China and the US—which is
likely to be the most economically consequential form
of fragmentation. Although how other countries and
regions might align themselves in such a decoupling
remains unclear and will depend on a multitude of
With a few exceptions (Arkolakis and others 2018;
Reyes-Heroles, Traiberman, and Van Leemput 2020), multicountry
trade models used in the literature tend to abstract from investment.
factors (for example, strength of existing trade and
financial links and national security considerations),
scenario analysis is used to highlight the implications
of different geopolitical-alignment choices for eco-
nomic outcomes.
e model allows for up to eight regions. China,
the EU+ (that is, the EU and Switzerland), and the
US are assigned their own regions, as the policy
choices of these economies are likely to shape global
fragmentation scenarios. To illustrate the interaction
between alignment choices and economic outcomes for
emerging market and developing economies, includ-
ing through investment diversion, a region is assigned
to Latin America and the Caribbean and another to
India and Indonesia, two representative Asian emerg-
ing market and developing economies with relatively
neutral measures of geopolitical distance from the US
and China. e remaining three regions comprise the
rest of southeast Asia, other advanced economies (for
example, Australia, Canada, Japan, UK), and the rest
of the world (for example, central Asia, Middle East,
Russia, sub-Saharan Africa).
While geopolitical-alignment choices are highly
uncertain, to discipline the analysis, the chapter con-
structs a baseline hypothetical scenario for alignments
using the ideal point distance. Relative distances from
either the US or China, based on the latest ideal point
distance data, are used to assign regions to geopolit-
ical blocs aligned with either the US or China, or as
nonaligned. Additional scenarios, focusing on different
alignment choices for the EU+, India and Indone-
sia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, explore
the interaction between geopolitical alignment and
economic outcomes (Table 4.1). In reality, geopolit-
ical alignments are not givens and likely require the
balancing of multiple considerations (beyond the scope
of this chapter) under frictions and uncertainty.
In the first scenario, in which the world splin-
ters into a US-centered bloc and a China-centered
bloc, and with both India and Indonesia and Latin
America and the Caribbean remaining nonaligned,
global output is about 1 percent lower after five years
(relative to the no-fragmentation scenario). Global
output losses increase as the impact on capital stocks
and productivity from lower investment input flows
cumulate, with long-term output lower by 2 percent
(Figure 4.14). Output losses are generally larger in
the emerging-market-dominated China bloc, as these
regions face heightened barriers to the major sources of
investments, namely, advanced economies. e losses
103International Monetary Fund | April 2023
are also nonnegligible for the US bloc, however, driven
by some members’ strong links to China (such as Japan
and Korea in the other advanced economies region and
Germany in the EU+ region).
For the nonaligned economies, the impact depends
on the outcome of two competing channels. On the
one hand, the substantial reduction in global activity
reduces external demand, weighing on net exports
and investment. On the other hand, these regions also
benefit from the diversion of investment flows, which—
if sufficiently large—could boost investment and
output. e importance of the second channel increases
with the ease with which investment goods from
different regions can be substituted for one another by
the importing region. In the benchmark assumption
for the elasticity of substitution across source regions of
investment inputs, the first channel dominates, and the
nonaligned regions experience a small drop in output
(Figure 4.14, darker bars). Alongside the benchmark
case, an alternative case uses a higher elasticity of substi-
tution (double in value). In the alternative case, higher
diversion yields a small net increase in investment and
output (Figure 4.14, lighter bars).
In reality, a geoeconomically fragmented world might
entail substantial policy uncertainty for economies that
try to remain open to both geopolitical blocs. Rather
than having their nonaligned status accepted, these
economies may need to walk a narrow path amid pres-
sures from both sides, with the attendant risk of falling
out with one bloc or the other. is type of policy
Similar to the cases of India and Indonesia and Latin America
and the Caribbean, losses are significantly lower for other regions,
such as southeast Asia, if they are also nonaligned, as shown in
additional simulations in Online Annex 4.4.
uncertainty, in which investors perceive a risk that
current policy stances toward that economy could shift
radically in the future, can act as an economically mean-
ingful barrier to trade and investment, as documented
in the literature (for example, Handley and Limão
2022). While the exact degree of such uncertainty in
a hypothetical fragmented future is impossible to pin
down, a case involving a high level of uncertainty—in
which investors in both blocs perceive a 50 percent
chance that the nonaligned region will fall in with the
opposing bloc over the long term—is a natural analyti-
cal complement to the baseline no-uncertainty scenario
already discussed.
Specifically, investors behave as if
investment input flows to (from) these regions face half
the barriers faced by regions in the opposing bloc. As
shown in Figure 4.15, losses are significantly amplified
for nonaligned regions under such uncertainty, as they
face reduced inflows from both blocs, with some nega-
tive spillovers to other regions as well.
Alternative alignment choices highlight their sig-
nificant impact on outcomes. For example, a world
in which the EU+ remains nonaligned entails sig-
nificantly lower costs for both itself and the China
bloc economies. However, the EU+ might face
heavy costs if such a policy approach significantly
raises the possibility of barriers between itself and
the US—due to greater uncertainty about its future
alignment (Figure 4.16, panel 1). Under the base-
line, the two nonaligned regions generally tend to be
e scenario illustrates the case with India and Indonesia and
the Latin America and Caribbean regions remaining nonaligned
indefinitely, but with investors perceiving a risk they will pick a side
in the future (and therefore face the associated barriers). Alongside
the 50–50 scenario presented here, Online Annex 4.4 discusses a
range of possible levels of uncertainty.
Table 4.1. Modeled Fragmentation Scenarios
US Bloc China Bloc Nonaligned
Model Region
GDP Share (Percent)
Two Blocs +
Nonaligned EMDE
Regions Nonaligned EU+
Nonaligned EMDEs
Join China Bloc
Nonaligned EMDEs
Join US Bloc
United States
Other AEs
India and Indonesia
Southeast Asia
Source: IMF staff compilation.
Note: AEs = advanced economies; EMDEs = emerging market and developing economies; EU+ = European Union and Switzerland; LAC = Latin America and the
Caribbean; ROW = rest of the world.
104 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
worse off when aligning with either bloc, as opposed
to remaining open to both. However, given that the
advanced-economy-dominated US bloc is the major
source of investment flows, they are better off joining
this bloc if forced to choose, especially if they were to
face uncertainty otherwise (Figure 4.16, panel 2).
Blocs’ incentive to attract emerging market and
developing economies might give nonaligned regions
some bargaining power but could also generate the
type of damaging uncertainty that reduces investment
(Figure 4.17). Unsurprisingly, existing bloc members
would gain when their bloc attracts the nonaligned
regions and lose when nonaligned regions join the oppos-
ing bloc. e gain to the existing bloc members could
outweigh the losses to the joining regions, suggesting
some scope for transfers to implement such an outcome.
Potential transfers could take several forms, including
favorable trade and investment treatment or fiscal mea-
sures to encourage friend-shoring to target economies.
For example, see the announcement that the US will support invest-
ment in India by the largest US solar manufacturer (Sharma 2022).
e opposing bloc would likely want to avoid such an
outcome. In reality, alignment choices are likely to be
dependent on multiple considerations and subject to
coordination frictions, further underscoring the uncer-
tainty that could itself weigh on investment.
Policy Implications
e findings of this chapter contribute to under-
standing how fragmentation pressures may already be
affecting investment flows across economies, as well
as the long-term implications for the global economy
if such pressures lead to a substantial relocation of
FDI. Vulnerabilities to FDI fragmentation are broadly
shared across many emerging market and developing
economies, and advanced economies are not immune,
particularly those with significant FDI stocks in
strategic sectors. As vulnerabilities can also extend to
non-FDI flows (see the April 2023 Global Financial
Stability Report), a rise in political tensions could trig-
ger large reallocation of capital flows at the global level,
with effects particularly pronounced for emerging mar-
ket and developing economies. e chapters analysis
Cross-bloc investment barriers
Nonaligned uncertainty
Figure 4.15. Long-Term GDP Losses, with Uncertainty for
Nonaligned Economies
(Percent deviation from no-fragmentation scenario)
Policy uncertainty could amplify losses for nonaligned economies.
EU+ Other
China SE
ROW India and
LAC World
US bloc China bloc Nonaligned
Source: IMF staff calculations.
Note: Darker bars denote scenario with lower elasticity of substitution (1.5)
between foreign sources of investment inputs. Lighter bars denote scenario with
higher elasticity of substitution (3.0) between foreign sources of investment inputs
and thus a greater role for diversion. AEs = advanced economies; EU+ = European
Union and Switzerland; LAC = Latin America and the Caribbean; ROW = rest of the
world; SE = Southeast.
Barriers to investment
Productivity losses
Medium-term total
Source: IMF staff calculations.
Note: Baseline fragmentation scenario represents barriers generating 50 percent
decline in investment input flows between China and US blocs, with no barriers
with two nonaligned regions (India and Indonesia and Latin America and the
Caribbean). Darker bars denote scenario with lower elasticity of substitution (1.5)
between foreign sources of investment inputs. Lighter bars denote scenario with
higher elasticity of substitution (3.0) between foreign sources of investment inputs
and thus a greater role for diversion.
AEs = advanced economies; EU+ = European Union and Switzerland; LAC = Latin
America and the Caribbean; ROW = rest of the world; SE = Southeast.
Fragmentation could lower global output by up to 2 percent.
EU+ Other
China SE
ROW India and
LAC World
US bloc China bloc Nonaligned
Figure 4.14. Impact of Investment Flow Barriers on GDP
(Percent deviation from no-fragmentation scenario)
105International Monetary Fund | April 2023
suggests that a fragmented global economy is likely
to be a poorer one. While there may be relative—and
possibly absolute—winners from diversion, such gains
are subject to substantial uncertainty.
e chapter does not attempt to measure the success
of the policies driving geoeconomic fragmentation in
meeting the objectives often ascribed to them, such as
enhancing national security or maintaining a tech-
nological advantage over rival countries, especially in
strategic sectors. Instead, its analysis highlights that
the pursuit of these objectives entails large economic
costs, not just for a country’s rivals and (possibly) other
nonaligned countries, but also for the country itself
and countries aligned with it. ese costs need to be
considered carefully.
In regard to policies, the large and widespread
economic costs from strategic decoupling provide a
rationale for a robust defense of global integration, at a
time when several actors are advocating more barriers
and inward-looking policies. For instance, increasing
diversification in international sourcing of inputs
away from domestic sources can make supply chains
more resilient to shocks (see Chapter 4 of the April
2022 World Economic Outlook), without imposing
costs on the world economy. At the same time, the
current rules-based multilateral system must adapt to
the changing world economy and should be com-
plemented by credible “guardrails” to mitigate global
spillovers and by domestic policies targeted at those
adversely affected by global integration (Aiyar and
others 2023).
As policy uncertainty amplifies losses from frag-
mentation, especially for nonaligned countries, effort
should be devoted to minimizing such uncertainty.
Improving information sharing through multilateral
dialogue would support this goal. In particular, the
development of a framework for international consul-
tations (for instance, on the use of subsidies to provide
incentives for reshoring or friend-shoring of FDI)
could help identify unintended consequences. It could
also mitigate cross-border spillovers by reducing uncer-
tainty and promoting transparency on policy options.
Finally, in a more geopolitically tense world, coun-
tries can reduce their vulnerability to FDI relocation
by implementing policies and regulations to pro-
mote private sector development. Moreover, a more
EU+ in US bloc
EU+ nonaligned, with uncertainty
EU+ nonaligned, no uncertainty
Uncertainty for
Cross-bloc investment
Figure 4.16. Impact on GDP for Bloc Members: Tripolar World
and Nonaligned Joining Blocs
(Percent deviation from no-fragmentation scenario)
1. Impact of Nonaligned EU+, with and without Uncertainty
EU+ China bloc
2. Impact of Nonaligned Joining Blocs
Both nonaligned Both join China bloc Both join US bloc
Remaining nonalign
ed with certainty tends to limit losses.
Source: IMF s
taff calculations.
Note: EU+ = European Union and Switzerland.
China bloc
US bloc
China bloc, with new members
US bloc, with new members
Nonaligned joining China bloc Nonaligned joining US bloc
Source: IMF staff calculations.
Note: The nonaligned include India and Indonesia and Latin America and the
Figure 4.17. Impact on GDP for Bloc Members: Nonaligned
Joining Blocs
(Percent deviation from nonaligned scenario with uncertainty)
Blocs have incentives to attract nonaligned regions and discourage nonaligned
from joining the opposing bloc.
106 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
fragmented world in which large economies implement
policies to promote friend-shoring of FDI could be
an opportunity for some countries to benefit from
diversion of investment flows by attracting new FDI.
Measures that can increase countries’ attractiveness as
investment destinations include undertaking structural
reforms (Campos and Kinoshita 2010), establishing
investment promotion agencies to reduce informa-
tion asymmetries and ease bureaucratic procedures
(Harding and Javorcik 2011; Crescenzi, Di Cataldo,
and Giua 2021), and improving infrastructure (Chen
and Lin 2020).
107International Monetary Fund | April 2023
is box provides a summary and timeline of recent
events behind US-China trade tensions, one of the
major drivers behind the rising risk of geoeconomic
Chinas accession to the World Trade Organization
(WTO) in 2001, following its ambitious economic
reforms of the 1990s, was a pivotal milestone, with
world trade volumes almost doubling since then
and China becoming the world’s top exporter and
second-largest economy. However, trade tensions
have been growing over the subsequent years as
Chinas rapid export growth has affected segments
e author of this box is JaeBin Ahn.
of European and US industry. As Chinas economic
reforms slowed and even reversed, major trading
partners became increasingly concerned by the
economic role of the state in domestic and export
markets, including technology transfer practices
and the footprint of state-owned enterprises with
an international presence. e inability of WTO
members to agree on reforms in these and other
sensitive areas has exacerbated trade tensions (Aiyar
and others 2023).
e US imposition of tariffs against China in July
2018 triggered an immediate Chinese response and
was followed by rounds of back-and-forth escala-
tions (Figure 4.1.1). e Phase One trade agreement
Box 4.1. Rising Trade Tensions
Jul.–Sep. 2018 Dec. 2018 May 2019 Aug. 2019 Jan. 2020 Feb.–Sep. 2020
Jan.–Feb. 2021 Sep. 2021 Jan. 2022 May 2022 Aug. 2022 Oct. 2022 Dec. 2022
Sources: China and US authorities; World Trade Organization; and IMF staff compilation.
US imposes 25% tariff on $34
billion in Chinese imports
US Treasury designates China a currency manipulator
Tariff wars undone, with exemptions/bans
25% tariff retaliation on $34 billion in US imports
Truce in trade war
25% tariff retaliation on $60 billion in US imports
Phase One trade agreement
Biden administration’s official statement
to keep tariffs on China in place
Extended ban on investments in
Chinese companies
with ties to the Chinese military
President Biden signs Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce
Semiconductors and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act
Indo-Pacific Economic
Framework for Prosperity
launched with a dozen
New export controls prohibiting
sales of advanced chips and
chip-making technology to China
Sanctions imposed on 28 former
Trump administration officials
World Trade Organization authorizes China to impose compensatory tariffs after US
refusal to adjust antisubsidy duties inconsistent with World Trade Organization
World Trade Organization rules against the US
in Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum
and Hong Kong SAR labeling disputes
US-China trade war resumes, with
Huawei added to entity list and additional
25% tariff on $200 billion in Chinese imports
Figure 4.1.1. A Timeline of US-China Trade Tensions
108 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
between the two countries, signed in early 2020,
helped avert further escalation but did little to reverse
the increase in trade restrictions. Tensions have sub-
sequently widened to a new technological front, with
the US explicitly aiming to hinder Chinas advance-
ment in sectors such as semiconductors and green
energy equipment. For example, the US has imposed
export controls to restrict Chinas access to advanced
computing and semiconductor items. e Creat-
ing Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors
(CHIPS) and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction
Act (IRA) aim to advance US global leadership in
key technologies by imposing high domestic-content
requirements. Meanwhile, because of the ongoing US
blockage of WTO Appellate Body appointments, most
disputes are being left unresolved, undercutting the
value of trade rules.
Recent initiatives, and the uncertainties surrounding
them, have the potential to reshape global value chains
along geopolitical lines and have already begun to
affect production and sourcing strategies. For example,
the proposed US Chip 4 alliance with three key Asian
economies seeks to set up a semiconductor industry
supply chain independent of China. Other major
economies are also reacting as the case for more active,
inward-looking regional industrial policies gains prom-
inence. For example, the EU’s proposed European
Chips Act aims to boost the blocs semiconductor
industry to 20 percent of global production capacity
by 2030, with more than €43 billion in investments.
Box 4.1 (continued)
109International Monetary Fund | April 2023
is box complements the analysis in the chapter by
constructing a new measure of financial exposure to
fragmentation risk, defined as the stock of non–foreign
direct investment (FDI) foreign assets (liabilities)
invested in (borrowed from) countries with diverging
geopolitical views, for major advanced and emerging
market economies.
Cross-border non-FDI financial linkages are con-
structed using IMF Coordinated Portfolio Investment
Survey (CPIS) statistics and Bank for International
Settlements Locational Banking Statistics. Since a large
share of positions in the CPIS are booked to financial
centers, bilateral portfolio holdings are first reallocated
to their proper source and host countries following
Coppola and others (2021). Bank and portfolio invest-
ments are then aggregated to derive bilateral foreign
assets and liabilities for 38 countries during 2001–21
whose GDP accounts for 86 percent of world GDP.
ese positions are combined with bilateral measures
of political proximity as captured by the ideal point
distance, normalized into a continuous variable that
takes the value 1 for the politically closest country
and 0 for the most distant country. Bilateral holdings
are then weighted by the political proximity index to
generate a politically discounted measure of foreign
assets and liabilities. e exposure to fragmentation
is defined as the difference between undiscounted posi-
tions and their politically weighted counterparts and
captures the stock of assets (or liabilities) that could be
at risk in a fragmentation scenario.
Exposures are large and have roughly doubled over
the past 20 years. While gross foreign investment posi-
tions (assets plus liabilities) as a share of GDP have
more than doubled since 2001, politically weighted
positions have not grown as fast, suggesting that cap-
ital has been increasingly invested in (borrowed from)
countries with political views that are further apart
(Figure 4.2.1, panel 1). is is particularly the case for
advanced economies, but it is also the case for emerg-
ing markets. Exposures vary significantly across the
Group of Twenty (G20) (Figure 4.2.1, panel 2). ey
e authors of this box are Ariadne Checo de Los Santos,
Rui Mano, and Damien Puy, with assistance from Fujie Wang.
Online Annex 4.5 reports details about the empirical analysis,
additional results, and robustness checks.
are concentrated on the asset side in advanced econ-
omies and on the liability side in emerging markets.
In aggregate, exposures have now reached 42 percent
of GDP, or 24 percent of all non-FDI cross-border
holdings. erefore, a rise in political tensions could
trigger a significant reallocation of capital at the global
level, although exposures vary significantly across the
G20 (see Online Annex 4.5).
AEs total EMs total
AEs politically
EMs politically
AE exposure EM exposure
Asset Liability
Asset (percent of
total position)
Liability (percent
of total position)
Figure 4.2.1. Gross Exposures to
Fragmentation, Assets and Liabilities
(Percent of GDP, unless noted otherwise)
2001 04 1007 13 16 19 21
1. Exposures, AEs and EMs, 2001–21
2. Exposures, G20 Countries as of 2021
Sources: Bailey, Strezhnev, and Voeten (2017); Bank for
International Settlements; IMF Coordinated Portfolio
Investments Statistics Survey; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Gross positions are aggregated by country group and
divided by sum of each group’s respective GDP. See Online
Annex 4.5 for details on country group composition.
Economy labels in the figure use International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) country codes. AEs = advanced
economies; EMs = emerging market economies;
G20 = Group of Twenty.
Box 4.2. Balance Sheet Exposure to Fragmentation Risk
110 International Monetary Fund | April 2023
is box presents new evidence that trade fragmen-
tation could lower output for most countries, especially
for emerging market and developing economies. To
assess countries’ exposure to geoeconomic fragmenta-
tion in trade, the box estimates the impact of geopo-
litical alignment on sector-level bilateral trade data for
189 countries (in 10 broad manufacturing sectors) using
structural gravity regressions. ese estimates show that
divergences in individual countries’ geopolitical align-
ment act as a barrier to trade. is effect is concentrated
in some sectors, notably food, but also in transportation
equipment and other manufacturing, which account
for a large share of foreign direct investment (FDI)–
intensive global value chain trade (Figure 4.3.1).
ese estimates are used to calibrate a multicountry,
multisector general equilibrium trade model to gauge
the macroeconomic impact of a fragmentation scenario
defined as an increase in alignment among countries
within the US, China, and nonaligned blocs, which
reduces the alignment across the blocs, and a dou-
bling of the estimated sensitivity of trade barriers to
geopolitical alignment. Countries are assigned to blocs
based on whether their current geopolitical treaties are
stronger with the US, stronger with China, or equally
strong with both.
ree main factors drive countries
exposure to geoeconomic fragmentation: (1) economy
size: a given rise in trade barriers is more damag-
ing to smaller economies (in terms of population
and GDP), which tend to rely more on international
trade; (2) comparative advantage: fragmentation has a
greater effect on countries that import in sectors with
trade barriers more sensitive to geopolitical alignment;
and (3) geoeconomic alignment: fragmentation is more
damaging, for a given bloc membership, to countries
that are not closely aligned with either of the worlds
two major economies.
While geoeconomic fragmentation leads to income
losses for most countries, it hurts emerging market and
e authors of this box are Shushanik Hakobyan, Sergii
Meleshchuk, and Robert Zymek. For details on data, estimation
methodology, and modeling, see Hakobyan, Meleshchuk, and
Zymek (2023).
Unlike in this box, the nonaligned regions in the chapter
text do not face increasing barriers with respect to the two blocs,
particularly in the case in which there is no uncertainty regarding
their alignment.
developing economies more than advanced economies.
For the median emerging market economy in Africa
and central Asia, real income losses due to geoeco-
nomic fragmentation are more than twice as large
as for the median advanced economy (Figure 4.3.2).
is is primarily because these regions comprise many
emerging market and developing economies that are
small in economic size and relatively unaligned with
major geopolitical blocs.
Box 4.3. Geopolitical Tensions, Supply Chains, and Trade
Sources: Alliance Treaty Obligations and Provisions (ATOP)
project; Caliendo and Parro (2015) project; Eora Global
Supply Chain Database; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Bars show estimates from sector-level gravity
regressions on 2017–19 average trade values, with importer
and exporter xed effects, geography, cultural ties, and
economic agreements controlled for. Geopolitical alignment
is measured by the foreign-treaty s-score from ATOP (Leeds
and others 2002). A one-standard-deviation decrease in
geopolitical alignment corresponds roughly to the difference
between two average North Atlantic Treaty Organization
members and two average nonmembers. Pet./Chem./
Nonmetal = petroleum, chemical, and nonmetal minerals.
Figure 4.3.1. Impact of One-Standard-
Deviation Decrease in Geopolitical Alignment
on Tariff-Equivalent Trade Barrier
(Log change)
Transport equipment
Other manufacturing
111International Monetary Fund | April 2023
Box 4.3 (continued)
Figure 4.3.2. Change in Real Per Capita
Income Due to Fragmentation
AEs EM Asia EM
Source: IMF staff calculations.
Note: The figure shows the distribution of outcomes based
on baseline fragmentation scenario in Hakobyan,
Meleshchuk, and Zymek (2023), where the horizontal lines
stand for the medians, the box represents the 25th and 75th
percentiles, and the whiskers represent the extremes,
excluding outliers. AEs = advanced economies;
EM = emerging and developing; LAC = Latin America and
the Caribbean; ME&CA = Middle East and Central Asia;
SSA = sub-Saharan Africa.
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