What time is my child considered present for the day?
Students must be on campus at their official attendance time to be counted present for the
day. Students who arrive after this time will be counted absent unless a doctor’s note is
provided for an appointment on that day.
Secondary students have attendance taken the first 10 minutes of every period. Even if the
student is present for the official attendance time, there will still be an absence recorded for
the class periods they missed.
For 45 minute classes, if the student misses less
than of the class (less than 9 minutes)
they are considered tardy. If the student misses more than
of the class (9 minutes or
more), the student is counted absent.
What if my child is tardy?
Students who arrive late for their class will be marked tardy for that day (elementary) or
period (secondary) unless they arrive with a medical note due to a healthcare appointment.
After excessive tardies, an attendance contract may be put in place or disciplinary action
may be taken.
What if my child needs to leave early?
If a student(s), is signed out early by their parents the early check out will noted in the
attendance record. After excessive early checkouts, an attendance contract may be put in
place or disciplinary action may be taken by the campus.
What is a student misses part for the day for a Dr. appointment?
If a student attends school for any part of the day, please provide a doctor’s note upon
return. This note must include the date of the appointment, student’s name
What if my child has regularly scheduled Dr. appointments?
If a student has regularly scheduled appointments with a doctor, a note should be provided
on a weekly basis noting the dates of the appointments the student attended that week.
Blanket notes (i.e. student attends this appointment every Thursday) are not accepted, as the
district needs confirmation that the student attended each day from the doctor’s office to
excuse the appointment.
Can my child make up work they missed due to an absence?
Yes, consult the student handbook regarding make up work guidelines. It is the student’s
responsibility to obtain work from the teacher and to turn it in within the allotted time.
What if I think my child’s attendance record is incorrect?
If there is an issue with your student’s attendance, please contact the teacher first in case it
was an error. They will then reach out to the campus attendance clerk to adjust the student
How many parent notes/emails will the campus accept if my child is absent?
Campuses may accept up to 6 days per year (Elementary and Middle School) and 3 days
per semester (High School) that are excused with a parent note/email, but these days will
count towards the 90% Rule.
What is truancy?
Truancy means being absent from school without permission or a valid reason. A student
can become truant if he or she has multiple unexcused absences.
Will the campus notify me when my child is truant?
Yes, the campus will start sending attendance letters when a student has received 3
unexcused absences. Additional letters will be sent when there have been 5 and 9 unexcused
absences to set up an Attendance Review Meetings. When a student reaches 10 unexcused
absences, a final truancy warning will be sent stating that truancy charges may be filled on
the child and parents.
What happens when my student’s attendance drops below 75%?
If the student fails to successfully complete the principal plan, or when a student’s
attendance drops below 75% of the days the class is offered, credit will be denied. Denial
of credit may be appealed to the campus attendance committee.
Where can I find Lampasas ISD policy for attendance?
Compulsory Attendance
Attendance Accounting
Attendance for Credit
Attendance Enforcement
Where can I find Texas laws related to attendance?