Steps to getting your new home or apartment at Bergman Rentals
1) Please pick up a vacancy listing in our office.
2) If you are still seriously interested, you will need to check out key ($20 refundable key
deposit) to the units that you are interested in viewing. We check out key Mon-Fri Until
4:00pm and on Saturdays until 11:00. No overnight key checkouts are permitted.
3) Once you have selected a unit that satisfies your needs, to Self-check make sure you
satisfy all of the following: a) have Excellent Rental History: b) Always pay rent on
time. c) Give advance notices. d) Kind to the property, inform landlord promptly of
needed repairs. e) Reasonable on everything. f) Good references from past landlords of
5 years, g) Pay your bills on time.
4) You are responsible for all your financial obligations. Make an income that is 3 times of
the rent. Must be employed for at least the last 4 months.
5) To place an application please bring.
YOU’RE ID, PROOF OF INCOME, AND THE non-refundable PROCESSING FEE OF $35.00 in money
order payable to Bergman Rentals.
6) Once we notify you that your application has been accepted,
The leasing agent will let you know the total amount needed to take possession of the
unit; it includes the security deposit and full first month’s rent. Only money orders are
accepted on move in. We do not accept financial assistance for the deposit or first
month rent from any agency. You can pay your rent using your personal check after the
third month
7) All units are furnished with stove and refrigerator. Many units come with water and air
Acceptable proofs of income are the following;
Two most recent original check stub.
Direct deposit statement from your bank
Print out from Social Security (if you on disability)
During our application process we check and review the following: credit history and score,
income verification (it must be three times the monthly rent), rentals reference and criminal
background. We make our decision based on those four criteria. The processing time varies for
each application but it typically takes 3-4 business days. NOTE: no move in monies will be
accepted from third parties/help agencies.
Reasons that your application can be denied;
Any felony
Drugs misdemeanor or any other misdemeanor at management discretion
Handwritten letters as proof of income
Previous landlord on your credit report
Utility bills on your credit report
Credit score below 600
Income not three times the monthly rent
Thanks for choosing us we look forward to helping you with your new home or apartment needs.
Tel 919-493-1541 Fax 919-419-7451
! Bergman Rentals
2814 Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC 27707
Phone 919-493-1541 Fax 919-419-7451
Rental Application
**This portion to be filled out by the office only**
Address of property to be rented: ________________________ Desired Move in date: ______________
Date received by landlord: ____________ Application fee $___________
Accepted? Yes ______ No_____ If yes: 1st month rent: $_____________Deposit: $__________
To sign the rental lease if application gets approved Date: Time:
Applicant information
Full Name: _______________________________________Date of birth: ___________________
Social Security Number ______-_____-______ Drive license number: __________________
Your current telephone number: (______) _______-_______ or (______) _______-________
Spouse full name: ___________________________________Date of birth: _________________
Social security number: ________-_______-______ Driver license number: ___________________
Current Address: _____________________________________ Apt #______________
City: _______________ State: ________________ Zip: __________________
Whose name is the lease in: __________________________________________
How long have you lived at the current address? ________________________________
Monthly rent, were you currently live $__________________
What is you reason for moving of your current address: ____________________________
Name and phone number of your current landlord: _______________________________
Previous address: ____________________________________City: _______________
State: _______________Zip code: __________________
Whose name was the lease? __________________________________________
What was your previous monthly rent $____________________________
What was the reason to move from your previous address? ________________________
Name and phone number of your previous landlord: _____________________________
Phone # From: To:
Have you or your spouse ever lease an apartment from Bergman Rentals before? ________
If yes, where and when was this?
Work information
Name of the company that you work? _______________________________________________
How long have you worked at your current job? _____________________
Address and phone number of your employer: ______________________________________
Name of your supervisor? ______________________ What’s your position? _______________
Name of the company that your spouse work? _________________________________________
How long have worked at current job? _________________________
Address and phone number of your spouse employer? __________________________________
Name of spouse supervisor ___________________What is the spouse position: ______________
**List all of the residents who will be living with you other than yourself and spouse**
Total Monthly Household Income: $
Full Name
What is the brand of your car? Color? Plate#?
Model? Estate? Year?
What is the brand of your car? Color? Plate #?
Model? Estate? Year?
*Please list 3 people to contact in case of emergency*
Please answer the following questions with yes or no:
Do you understand that no pets are allowed? Yes No
Do you understand that if the lease consists of more the one person, you are all jointly responsible for the
rent and the terms of the lease? Yes No
Do you understand that if one roommate moves or defaults, the others become totally responsible the rent
and the terms of the lease? Yes No
Do you understand the security deposit is a damage deposit and returnable only if lease period and terms
are fulfilled and unit is left in good, clean condition? Yes No
Do you understand that the security deposit is not to be used as the last month’s rent? Yes No
Do you understand that each applicant that is not under age will need to provide SS# and D.O.B but not
going to be place in the lease? Yes No
U.S. military or naval service? Yes No
If no, are you planning to join the U.S military? Yes No If yes When______________
Do you smoke? Yes No
_____ (Initial) I understand that smoking is prohibited inside any property offered by Bergman Rentals and
that I will be held responsible for smoke damage remediation.
Have you ever; filed for bankruptcy? Yes No How many times? ______
Been Evicted? Yes No How many times? ______
Sued someone else? Yes No How many times? ______
Been sued? Yes No How many times? ______
Been convicted for a crime? Yes No How many times? ______
Explain any “yes” listed above: ______________________________________________
I hereby submit an application for an apartment or house and I acknowledge that the above information is
true and correct. I verify that I am of legal age (18 years or older). I authorize Bergman Rentals and staff to
contact any references that I have listed above, including police records, credit history check, and rental
Applicant signature: ___________________________Date:____________ Time: ________
Full Name