[Refer rule 16(1) and (2)]
A. The design of the card on the front side shall include the following data fields
in visual form—
B. The design of the card on the reverse side shall include the following data fields
in visual form—
1. The details of the features on the card shall be as under, namely:—
A. For front side:
B. For reverse side
2. Specifications.—
(a) Card Size - 85.6mm x 54.02 mm +/- 2 mm; Thickness minimum 0.7 mm
(i) Card in the form of either laminated card type without chip; or as
per the defined template in the form of ICC (Integrated Circuit Card)
compliant to ISO/IEC 7816-Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9, IS16695 (Part 1:
2018) Smart Card Template Architecture Part 1: Basic Command
Set (commonly known as SCOSTA Contact Smart Card);
(ii) PICC (Proximity Integrated Circuit Card), if provided, compliant to
ISO/IEC 14443-Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, ISO/IEC 7816-Part 4, 8 and 9,
IS16695 (Part 1: 2018) Smart Card Template Architecture Part 1: Basic
Command Set (commonly known as SCOSTA Contactless Smart
Card), with card dimensions compliant to ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1
(b) Font Style and Size specifications
Front Side Reverse Side
Sr. Features Font Name Size Sr. Features Font Name Size
No. No.
1. State/UT Myriad Pro 7 pt 1. Driving Myriad 8 pt
Code Regular Licence Pro
Number Bold
2. National Symbol 7.37 mm x 2. QR code NA 15 mm x
Emblem 12.28 mm (As specified 15 mm
by Central
3. Card Header Myriad Pro 9 pt 3. Invalid Myriad Pro 7 pt
Bold Carriage# Regular
4. Driving Myriad Pro 9 pt 4. Hazardous Myriad Pro 9 pt
Licence Bold Validity# Regular
5. IC Chip NA NA 5. Hill Validity# Myriad Pro 7 pt
(if opted for) Regular
6. Issue Date Myriad 7 pt 6. Vehicle class Myriad Pro 5 pt
Pro table (Class of Regular
Regular Vehicle, Code,
Issued by,
Date of Issue,
Badge Issued
Date#, Badge
Issued by#)
7. Validity (NT) Myriad Pro 7 pt 7. Emergency Myriad Pro 6 pt
Regular Contact Regular
8. Validity (TR)# Myriad Pro 7 pt 8. Licensing Myriad Pro 6 pt
Regular Authority Regular
9. Name Myriad Pro 7 pt 9. Form 7 Myriad Pro 6 pt
Regular Rule 16(2) Regular
10. Date of Birth Myriad Pro 7 pt
11. Blood Group Myriad Pro 7 pt
12. Organ Donor Myriad Pro 7 pt
13. Son/ Myriad Pro 7 pt
Daughter/ Regular
Wife of
14. Address Myriad Pro 7 pt
15. Date of First Myriad Pro 6 pt
Issue Regular
16. Holder’s Myriad Pro 5 pt
Signature Regular
17. Photograph NA 14.82 mm x
14.82 mm
# : Both Label and Value would be blank in cases where they are not applicable
or have not been opted for
(c) Background Colour Details
Front Side Reverse Side
Sr. Hex Code Print colour Sr. Hex Code Print colour
No. No.
C1. #f8951d C: 0 M: 49 Y: 100 K:0 C1. #ddf1fa C:12 M: 1 Y:1 K:0
C2. Gradient Gradient C2. Gradient Gradient
Colour Coloor Colour Colour
Top: Top: Top: Top:
#e7f5f5 C:8 M: 0 Y:3 K:0 #e7f5f5 C:8 M: 0 Y:3 K:0
Bottom: Bottom: Bottom: Bottom:
#a3daf7 C:33 M:1 Y:0 K:0 #a3daf7 C:33 M:1 Y:0 K:0
C3. #edf8fc C:6 M: 0 Y:1 K:0 C3. #edf8fc C:6 M: 0 Y:1 K:0
MACHINE READABLE ZONE (applicable only if opted for Smart Card)
The concerned State Governments shall provide the following features of the licence
in the Machine Readable Zone, namely:—
Sr. No. Field
1. DL Holder Personal Details :
Driving Licence Number (DL)
Name of the DL Holder
Full Name of the DL Holder
Guardian (Mother/Father/Husband) Name
Relation with Guardian (e.g.: S/o, W/o , D/o)
Date of Birth (in ddmmyyyy format)
First Identification Mark
Second Identification Mark
Blood Group
Mobile Number
Email Id
Alternate Mobile Number
Emergency Contact Number
Permanent Address
PINCODE of Permanent Address
State Code In Permanent Address
District Name in Permanent Address
Sub-division/Taluk name in Permanent Address
Village Name in Permanent address
Present Address
State Code in Present address
PINCODE of Present address
District Name in present Address
Sub-division/Taluk Name in present Address
Village Name in Present address
2. Licence details :
Valid From (Transport) (in ddmmyyyy format)
Valid Till (Transport) (in ddmmyyyy format)
Valid From (Non-Transport) (in ddmmyyyy format)
Valid From (Non-Transport) (in ddmmyyyy format)
First Date of DL Issuance (in ddmmyyyy format)
First (Original) Issuing Authority
Date of Hazardous Validity (in ddmmyyyy format)
Date of Hill Region validity (in ddmmyyyy format)
Authority who issued Transport Authorization
Transport Authorization Number
Transport Authorization date (in ddmmyyyy format)
Invalid carriage Vehicle Registration Number
INVALID Carriage 2nd Vehicle Registration Number, if any
Invalid carriage 3rd Vehicle Registration Number, if any
3. Class of Vehicle details :
Class of Vehicle (COV)
Class of Vehicle Issue Date (in ddmmyyyy format)
Class of vehicle – Issued By (Name & Designation)
Badge No.
Badge Issue Date (in ddmmyyyy format)
Badge Issued by –LA Office
4. Image details :
Photograph of DL Holder
Signature of DL Holder
5. Enforcement details :
Challan/Inward Number
Challan Date (in ddmmyyyy format)
Endorsement Authority ID
Endorsement Authority Name
Section/Rule Violated
Disqualification Type (Suspended/Cancelled)
Disqualification period from (in ddmmyyyy format)
Disqualification period Up to (in ddmmyyyy format)
Class of Vehicle that is suspended/Cancelled
Settlement date
Review Date (in ddmmyyyy format)
Review Authority Name
Remarks ”