SMART ARM-Based Microcontroller
AT10764: Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and
Application Note
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a specification for encryption of electronic
data established by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001
as Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 197. This is a symmetric
block cipher algorithm used for the encryption and decryption of electronic data.
This application note explains the C implementation of AES encryption and
decryption algorithm.
The application note covers the following features.
Compliant with FIPS Publication 197, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
AES encryption and decryption algorithm
128 bit cryptographic key supported
Five confidentiality modes of operation of AES specified in FIPS
Electronic Codebook mode (ECB)
Cipher Block Chaining mode(CBC)
Cipher Feedback mode (CFB)
Output Feedback mode (OFB)
Counter mode (CTR)
8, 16, 32, 64, and 128-bit data sizes possible in CFB mode
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1
Features ................................................................................................................... 1
1 Glossary ........................................................................................................... 4
2 Hardware and Software Setup ........................................................................ 4
3 AES Algorithm .................................................................................................. 5
3.1 AES Encryption ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 AddRoundKey Transformation .................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 SubBytes Transformation............................................................................................ 7
3.1.3 ShiftRows Transformation ........................................................................................... 8
3.1.4 MixColumns Transformation ....................................................................................... 8
3.1.5 C Implementation ........................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Key Expansion ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 C implementation ........................................................................................................ 9
3.3 AES Decryption ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.1 Inverse of AddRoundKey .......................................................................................... 10
3.3.2 Inverse SubBytes Transformation ............................................................................. 10
3.3.3 Inverse ShiftRows Transformation ............................................................................ 11
3.3.4 Inverse MixColumns Transformation ........................................................................ 11
3.3.5 C Implementation ...................................................................................................... 12
4 Block Cipher Modes of Operation ................................................................. 12
4.1 Electronic Codebook Mode ................................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 C Implementation of ECB mode ................................................................................ 13
4.2 The Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CBC) ............................................................................... 13
4.2.1 CBC Encryption ........................................................................................................ 13
4.2.2 CBC Decryption ........................................................................................................ 14
4.2.3 C Implementation of CBC mode ............................................................................... 14
4.3 Cipher Feedback mode ......................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 CFB Encryption ......................................................................................................... 15
4.3.2 CFB Decryption ......................................................................................................... 16
4.3.3 C Implementation ...................................................................................................... 16
4.4 Output Feedback mode ......................................................................................................... 19
4.4.1 OFB Encryption ......................................................................................................... 19
4.4.2 OFB Decryption ........................................................................................................ 19
4.4.3 C Implementation ...................................................................................................... 20
4.5 The Counter Mode (CTR) ...................................................................................................... 21
4.5.1 CTR Encryption ......................................................................................................... 21
4.5.2 CTR Decryption ........................................................................................................ 22
4.5.3 Generation of counter blocks .................................................................................... 22
4.5.4 C Implementation of CTR mode ................................................................................ 22
5 AES -128 Example Implementation ............................................................... 25
6 Execution of Example in Atmel Studio ......................................................... 26
7 References ..................................................................................................... 28
7.1 FIPS 197 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ............................................................... 28
7.2 FIPS SP 800-38A Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation .......................... 28
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
7.3 SAM D Device Datasheet ...................................................................................................... 28
7.4 Hardware Tools User Guide .................................................................................................. 28
7.5 Atmel Studio .......................................................................................................................... 28
8 Revision History ............................................................................................. 29
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
1 Glossary
The following terms are used throughout this application note document:
Table 1-1. Glossary
Advanced Encryption Standard
Series of transformations that convert plain text to cipher text using the Cipher Key
Cipher Key
Secret cryptographic key that is used by the Key Expansion Routine to generate a set of
Round Keys
Cipher Text
Data output from the Cipher or input to the Inverse Cipher
Inverse Cipher
Series of transformations that converts cipher text to plain text using the Cipher Key
Key Expansion
Routine used to generate a series of Round Keys from the Cipher Key
Number of 32-bit words comprising the Cipher Key. For AES-128, Nk = 4.
Plain Text
Data input to the Cipher or output from the Inverse Cipher
Round Key
Values derived from the Cipher Key using the Key Expansion Routine
Intermediate Cipher result
Non-linear substitution table used in several byte substitution transformation and in the
Key Expansion Routine to perform one-for-one substitution of a byte value.
2 Hardware and Software Setup
The application note has been tested in the following test setup:
SAM D21 Xplained Pro Board
Atmel Studio 6.2 SP2 build 1563
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
3 AES Algorithm
Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the National Institute of
standards and Technology (NIST). The Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm (AES) specifies the FIPS
approved (FIPS Pub. 197) cryptographic algorithm that can be used to protect electronic data.
AES is a symmetric key algorithm that operates on 128-bit block of input data for a specified number of times.
The symmetric key means that same key is used for both encryption and decryption. Encryption process
converts the data to unintelligible form called cipher text. Decryption process converts the data back to its
original form called plain text from the cipher text.
The key size used for an AES encryption and decryption can be 128, 192, or 256 bits for a fixed input block
size of 128 bits. The size of the key determines the number of rounds to be performed on an input block of
data. The number of rounds of repetition is as follows:
10 rounds of repetition for 128-bit keys
12 rounds of repetition for 192-bit keys
14 rounds of repetition for 256-bit keys
The following sections explains the AES encryption and decryption algorithm. For more details on the AES
standard, refer to the AES standard document.
3.1 AES Encryption
The AES-128 encryption process involves 10 rounds of encryption along with an initial round for the 128 bit
data encryption. To begin with, the 128-bit key is expanded into a set of eleven 128-bit round keys using the
Key expansion routine. Each of this keys is used for the rounds, finally resulting in the cipher text output.
The initial round in the AES Encryption comprises of the Add Round key step in which the plain text is XOR’ed
with the Cipher Key. The subsequent 9 rounds goes through four different byte oriented transformations as
listed below.
1. Byte substitution using S-box (Sub Byte)
2. Shifting rows of the state array by different offsets (Shift Rows)
3. Mixing the data within each column (Mix Columns)
4. Adding Round key to the state (Add Round Key)
In the 10
round, the above steps are repeated excluding the Mix Columns step. Following sections explain
each of them in detail. The overall process of AES encryption is illustrated in the figure below:
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
Figure 3-1. AES Encryption Block diagram
The 128-bit input block of data is processed byte-by-byte and mapped into a 4x4 byte matrix for processing
convenience as per the AES standard. Each block of input and the intermediate inputs between the different
rounds is mapped into a 4x4 state matrix as shown in the figure below:
Figure 3-2.
3.1.1 AddRoundKey Transformation
In this transformation, the Round key is added to the State by bitwise XOR operation. The Round key for each
round has to be generated from the Key Expansion which is explained in the coming sections.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
Figure 3-3. AddRoundKey Transformation
3.1.2 SubBytes Transformation
The SubBytes Transformation is a non-linear byte substitution that operates independently on each byte of the
state using a substitution table(S-Box). The figure below illustrates the S-Box transformation of a matrix of
Figure 3-4. SubBytes Transformation
The SubBytes transformation applies S-Box to each byte in the state. Figure shows the S-Box substitution
values for the AES-128 Encryption.
Figure 3-5. S-Box for AES Encryption
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
3.1.3 ShiftRows Transformation
In this transformation, the bytes in the last three rows of the state are cyclically shifted left over different offsets.
The elements in the first row are not shifted. The below representation demonstrates the ShiftRows
transformation applied on the state array.
Figure 3-6. ShiftRows Transformation
3.1.4 MixColumns Transformation
MixColumns transformation operates column by column on the state matrix applying polynomial transformation
on each column. The columns are considered as four-term polynomials over GF(2
) and multiplied modulo
+1 with a fixed polynomial a(x), given by:
a(x) = {03}x
+ {01}x
+ {01}x + {02}
Figure 3-7. MixColumns Transformation
3.1.5 C Implementation
The AES Encryption is implemented in the function aes_cipher() in the aes.c. The steps SubBytes and
ShiftRows are combined in a single function to optimize the code.
To begin with, one block of the plain text is copied into an intermediate State array. In Round 0, the state array
is XOR-ed with the Round key 0. The subsequent 9 Rounds are implemented as in the below code snippet:
The final round is performed excluding the MixColumns step to give the Cipher text output.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
3.2 Key Expansion
The AES algorithm gets the Cipher Key from the user and uses the Key Expansion Routine to generate the Set
of Round keys known as the Key Schedule. For the AES-128 encryption and decryption, the Key Expansion
Routine generates a set of eleven 128-bit Round keys from the 128-bit Cipher Key.
The first 4 words (128 bits of first round key) of the expanded key schedule are kept same as the actual cipher
key. The remaining 40 words (for remaining 10 round keys) are calculated using the 3 operations Rotate,
Rcon and S-Box.
Rotate In this step, elements in each column in the round key matrix rotated vertically clockwise by 1 byte.
Rcon: This step involves XOR with the Round constant for the words in the position of multiple of Nk.
S-Box: This takes the 4-byte input and applies the S-Box.
3.2.1 C implementation
The key expansion routine is implemented in the function KeyExpansion in the aes.c. The cipher key is
retained as the key for Round 0. The subsequent bytes in the key schedule are computed by using the Rotate,
Rcon and S-box transformations. The overall implementation of the Key expansion routine is as follows:
3.3 AES Decryption
The AES-128 decryption process involves similar number of rounds as the AES-128 Encryption process with
corresponding inverse transformations.
The initial round includes only the AddRoundKey step which is the same as in AES-128 Encryption.
The inverse transformations for the subsequent rounds are as below:
1. Inverse Shift Rows
2. Inverse SubBytes
3. Add Round Key
4. Inverse Mix Columns
In the 10
round, the above steps are repeated excluding the Mixcolumns step. The overall process of AES
decryption is illustrated in the figure below:
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
Figure 3-8. AES Decryption Block diagram
3.3.1 Inverse of AddRoundKey
This is same as the AddRoundKey transformation as this involves only XOR operation between an input and
output blocks.
3.3.2 Inverse SubBytes Transformation
This is the inverse of the SubBytes Transformation, in which the inverse S-Box is applied to each element in
the State. The inverse S-Box used in this transformation is as below:
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
Figure 3-9. Inverse S-Box
3.3.3 Inverse ShiftRows Transformation
This is the inverse of the ShiftRows transformation. The bytes in the last three rows are cyclically shifted to the
right over a different number of bytes.
Figure 3-10. Inverse ShiftRows Transformation
3.3.4 Inverse MixColumns Transformation
This is an inverse of MixColumns transformation. This operates on a column-by-column basis on the state
matrix applying polynomial transformation.
Figure 3-11. Inverse MixColumns Transformation
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
3.3.5 C Implementation
The AES decryption is implemented in the function aes_inverse_cipher() in the aes.c. The steps inverse
SubBytes and inverse ShiftRows are combined in a single function to optimize the code.
To begin with, one block of the cipher text is copied into an intermediate State array. In Round 0, the state array
is XOR-ed with the Round key 0. The subsequent 9 Rounds are implemented as in the below code snippet:
The final round is performed excluding the MixColumns step to give the plain text output.
4 Block Cipher Modes of Operation
In FIPS SP800-38A, NIST recommends five confidentiality modes of operation listed below for use with an
underlying symmetric key block cipher algorithm. Mode of operation is an algorithm that describes how to
repeatedly apply a cipher’s single-block operation to encrypt data larger than a block.
Electronic Codebook mode (ECB)
Cipher Block Chaining mode (CBC)
Cipher Feedback mode (CFB)
Output Feedback mode (OFB)
Counter mode (CTR)
The following sections explain the algorithm of each modes and their C implementation in this application note.
The implementation is done in crypt.c/.h file.
The standard document (FIPS Pub 800-38A) should be referred for detailed description of mathematic
description of each modes.
4.1 Electronic Codebook Mode
In this mode, the input is divided in to separate block of 128 bits. Each block is encrypted/decrypted
independently. In ECB encryption, the cipher function is directly applied to each input block resulting in a cipher
text. In ECB decryption, the inverse cipher function is applied to each block to retrieve the plain text. It is
illustrated in the Figure 4-1.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
Figure 4-1. Electronic Codebook Mode
ECB is the simplest mode of all. As it involves direct encryption of each block, it does not provide better
confidentiality and so it is not recommended for cryptographic protocols.
4.1.2 C Implementation of ECB mode
As mentioned, the implementation is very direct that input is divided into each block of 128 bits. The number of
input blocks (input_block_size) are calculated from the size of the input plain text. Forward and inverse cipher
function is applied to them to get the cipher text and plain text respectively as below in the loop for the
4.2 The Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CBC)
As the name implies, this mode features chaining of plain text with previous cipher text blocks. This mode
requires an Initialization Vector (IV) to combine with the first block. The IV is not secret but should be
unpredictable. I.e. for any given plaintext, it must not be possible to predict the IV that will be associated to the
plaintext in advance of the generation of the IV. Various methods of generation of Initialization vector is
explained in Appendix C of FIPS Pub 800-38A.
4.2.1 CBC Encryption
In the CBC Encryption, the first block of plain text is XOR-ed with IV. This forms the input block for cipher
function which results in the first cipher text block. This cipher text then XOR-ed with the next plain text block
and goes through forward cipher to form the second cipher text. Thus further cipher text blocks are formed by
applying forward cipher after XOR-ing the respective block of plain text with the previous blocks cipher text.
Because of this chaining, one bit change in the plain text or IV could affect all following cipher text blocks.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
Figure 4-2. CBC Encryption
4.2.2 CBC Decryption
In CBC decryption, the inverse cipher is applied over input cipher text and the resulting output block is XOR-ed
with IV to get the first block of plain text. The second cipher text block goes through inverse cipher function and
the resulting output block is XOR-ed with previous cipher text block to get the second plain text block. Further
plain text blocks are retrieved by applying inverse cipher over respective cipher text block and then XOR-ed the
resulting output block with its previous cipher text block.
Figure 4-3. CBC Decryption
4.2.3 C Implementation of CBC mode
For encryption:
The input_block_size is calculated to get the number of input blocks. The initials input block is formed by XOR
between IV and plain text as below
Forward cipher is applied to the input block to get the corresponding cipher text.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
The next input block is formed by XOR of next block of plain text with the previously formed cipher text. This is
done until last block is reached.
For Decryption:
To retrieve the first plain text block, the inverse cipher function is applied to the first block of cipher text. The
first block of plain text is formed by XOR of resulting output block with IV as below
The further plain texts are formed by XOR of resulting output block with previous cipher text for specified
number of blocks.
4.3 Cipher Feedback mode
The Cipher Feedback mode features the feedback of the successive cipher text elements into the input block
of the forward cipher function to generate output blocks that are XOR-ed with the plain text to produce the
cipher text.
This mode requires a unique Initialization vector in addition to the plaintext and cipher key. The CFB mode also
needs an integer parameter s, where s should be less than or equal to 128 bits. In the CFB mode, each plain
text and cipher text block contain s bits. Correspondingly the modes are named as 1-bit CFB, 8-bit CFB, 64-bit
CFB, 128-bit CFB, etc.
4.3.1 CFB Encryption
This Initialization vector (IV) is passed as the first input block to the AES Forward Cipher function to produce
the first output block. To generate the cipher text output, the first s bits in the plain text are XOR-ed with the
first s bits in the output block. The remaining b-s bits in the output block are discarded (b=128).
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
To generate the second input block, the b-s LSBs in the IV are concatenated with the s bits from the cipher text
output of the first block. The process is repeated with successive input blocks until the entire plaintext is
converted into cipher text output. The encryption process of the CFB mode can be illustrated as below:
Figure 4-4. CFB Encryption
4.3.2 CFB Decryption
In CFB Decryption, the Initialization vector if given as first input block, and subsequent input blocks are
generated by concatenating b-s bits of IV with s bits from the cipher text. The input block is applied to the
forward cipher function to obtain the output block. Then the s bits of the cipher text are XOR-ed with s bits of
the ciphertext. The Decryption process of the CFB mode can be illustrated as below.
Figure 4-5. CFB Decryption
4.3.3 C Implementation
The CFB encryption and the decryption functions have been implemented in the crypt.c.
The encryption function takes the plaintext, array for cipher text, initialization vector, CFB mode in bits and size
of the plain text as inputs. To start with, the number of input blocks is calculated from the size parameter. Also,
the cfb_byte is calculated from the CFB mode. This is because all the operations are performed in byte level
throughout the code.
The initialization vector is given to the aes_cipher function for generating the first output block. Then,
depending upon the CFB mode, certain number (cfb_byte) of bytes in the plain text are XOR-ed with the output
block to get the cipher text output. The implementation of the first encryption block is as below:
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
For the subsequent blocks, the input block (init_vector_temp) is generated by concatenating the bits from the
IV and the cipher text and given to the forward cipher function. Then the cipher text is generated by XOR-ing
the bytes of plain text and output block. The implementation of the encryption is as follows:
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
The decryption process is similar to the encryption where the first step is to generate the input block from the
initialization vector and the cipher text array. Then the input block is applied to the forward cipher function to
get the output block. The s bits of the output block are then XOR-ed with the cipher text to get the plain text
output. The implementation of the decryption function is as follows:
Decryption of first block:
Decryption of remaining blocks:
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
4.4 Output Feedback Mode
The Output Feedback mode features the feedback of the output blocks of the forward cipher function in each
block into the input block of the forward cipher function of the successive blocks. Like the CFB and CBC mode,
this mode also requires a unique Initialization vector in addition to the plaintext and cipher key. In addition, the
OFB mode requires that the IV is a nonce, that is, the IV must be unique for each execution of the mode with
the given key.
4.4.1 OFB Encryption
As in the CFB mode, the IV is given as the first input block. This is applied to the forward cipher function to
generate the first output block. The output block is XOR-ed with the plain text to generate the first block of
cipher text output.
The first output block is then given to the forward cipher function to generate the second output block, which is
then XOR-ed with the plain text to generate the cipher text second block. The second output block is then
applied to the forward cipher function to generate the third output block and so on. This can be represented as
in the block diagram below.
Figure 4-6. OFB Encryption
4.4.2 OFB Decryption
In OFB Decryption, the IV is given as the first input block to the forward cipher function to generate the first
output block. The first output block is XOR-ed with the cipher text to generate the first plain text block. The first
output block is given to the Forward cipher function to generate the second output block, then XOR-ed with the
cipher text to generate the second block in plain text and so on. The OFB decryption can be illustrated as
Figure 4-7. OFB Decryption
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
The OFB mode requires a unique IV for every message that is ever encrypted under the given key. If the same
IV is used for the encryption of more than one message, then the confidentiality of those messages may be
4.4.3 C Implementation
The OFB mode has been implemented in the crypt.c file.
The OFB encryption function takes the plain text array, array for the cipher text, initialization vector, and the
size as inputs. The number of blocks in the input plain text data is calculated from the size parameter.
For the encryption of the first block, the initialization vector is applied to the aes_cipher function to obtain the
first output block, which is then XOR-ed with the plain text to generate the cipher text.
Similar process is applicable for the decryption. The implementation of OFB encryption and decryption is as
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
4.5 The Counter Mode (CTR)
The Counter (CTR) mode is a confidentiality mode that features the application of the forward cipher to a set of
input blocks, called counters, to produce a sequence of output blocks that are exclusive-ORed with the
plaintext to produce the ciphertext, and vice versa.
In both CTR encryption and CTR decryption, the forward cipher functions can be performed in parallel.
Similarly, the plaintext block that corresponds to any particular ciphertext block can be recovered
independently from the other plaintext blocks if the corresponding counter block can be determined. Moreover,
the forward cipher functions can be applied to the counters prior to the availability of the plaintext or ciphertext
data. The sequence of counters must have the property that each block in sequence is different from every
other block. Various methods of counter generation are explained in Appendix B of FIPS Pub 800-38A.
4.5.1 CTR Encryption
Encryption involves the application of forward cipher over a block of data called counters which is then XOR-ed
with plain text to generate the respective cipher text.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
Figure 4-8. Counter mode Encryption
4.5.2 CTR Decryption
For decryption, the forward cipher is applied over counters as in encryption. Then the cipher text is XOR-ed
with resulting output block to retrieve the plain text.
Figure 4-9. Counter mode Decryption
4.5.3 Generation of counter blocks
This section explain the counter generation method used in this application note. As mentioned earlier AES
CTR requires unique value for each block and communicate this value for the decryption. This is more similar
to IV except that it keeps changing for each block. Counter is divided in to three field called
Nonce 32bit
Initialization Vector 64bit
Counter block 32bit
The counter is incremented for each block and concatenated with Nonce and IV to form 128 bit vector input for
subsequent blocks. As counter is 32-bit, the same key will be repeated after 2
bit rounds. So with 32 bit
counter 2
block of data can be encrypted effectively.
4.5.4 C Implementation of CTR mode
The counter block contains:
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
The IV, nonce and counter are concatenated to form the input block and applied to the forward cipher as
For CTR mode, both encryption and decryption follows the same as explained earlier. So there is only one
function for both encryption and decryption.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
5 AES -128 Example Implementation
The application note comes with the source containing the AES library and demo example. This section gives
short description about the demo application of AES-128 covering all 5 modes.
AES-128 and five confidentiality modes are implemented at two levels. The AES algorithm explained in
chapter 3 of this application note is implemented in aes.c/aes.h file.
The five confidentiality modes are implemented in crypt.c/crypt.h file
The example is implemented in a way that 64 bytes (i.e. 16 input blocks) of plain text are encrypted and
decrypted using all modes separately
The decrypting message can be viewed in the terminal window
From the result if the decrypted data is same as the plain text, this conforms the working of each mode
The modes can be independently enabled or disabled in conf_example.h as below. By default all the
modes are enabled
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
6 Execution of Example in Atmel Studio
The firmware corresponding to this application note comes with the Atmel Software Framework and it can be
imported from Atmel Studio as well. The steps below explain the execution of this application.
1. Import the example in Atmel Studio from “File → New → Example Project → AES Software Library
Demo SAM D21 Xplained Pro”
2. To build the project, go to Atmel Studio -> Build -> Build Solution
3. Open Terminal window with EDBG COM port with configuration 115200, no parity, one stop bit and
hardware control none.
4. Go to ‘Tools -> Device Programming’ Window in Atmel Studio.
5. Read the device id after selection appropriate tools and device to ensure proper connection
6. Go to ‘Memories’ tab. Select the exe file and click program.
7. In the terminal window the decrypted and actual input message can be viewed.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
8. The Application can be debugged or can downloaded without debugging using below shown options.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
7 References
7.1 FIPS 197 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
FIPS-197 published by NIST contains the mathematical calculation of AES-128 algorithm for Encryption and
Decryption. It can be availed from
7.2 FIPS SP 800-38A Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation
FIPS special publication 800-38A provides detailed description about the five modes of confidentiality. It also
explains the generation of Initialization vector and counter used in each modes. It is available at
7.3 SAM D Device Datasheet
The device datasheet contains the block diagrams of the peripherals and details about implementing firmware
for the device. It also contains the electrical specifications and expected characteristics of the device.
Datasheet is available on in the Documents section of Atmel SAM D21 product page.
7.4 Hardware Tools User Guide
SAM D21 Xplained Pro board user Guide can be downloadable from
7.5 Atmel Studio
The latest version of Atmel Studio can be downloaded from
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]
8 Revision History
Doc Rev.
Initial document release.
Software Library for AES-128 Encryption and Decryption [APPLICATION NOTE]