Oracle Primavera Cloud Services Service Descriptions Page 1 of 39
Oracle Construction and
Engineering Global Business Unit
Oracle Primavera Service Descriptions & Metrics
Effective Date: 08-December-2022
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 2 of 39
Metric Definitions 4
Glossary 5
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions 7
Oracle Primavera Schedule Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 7
Oracle Primavera Task Management Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 8
Oracle Primavera Progress Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 8
Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 9
Oracle Primavera Schedule Single Project Cloud Service Per 1M of Project Value 10
Oracle Primavera Schedule Enterprise Cloud Service Per 1M of Project Value Allowance 12
Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Enterprise Cloud Service Per 1M of Planned Budget 14
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service, Oracle Academy Per Hosted Named User 15
Primavera P6 Service Descriptions 17
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Web Services Cloud Service 18
Primavera P6 Progress Reporter Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 19
Primavera Virtual Desktop Cloud Service Per Hosted Environment 19
Primavera P6 Cloud Service, Additional Production Database Per Hosted Named User 20
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management United Kingdom Government Cloud
Service Per Hosted Named User 21
Primavera Unifier Service Descriptions 24
Primavera Unifier Project Controls Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 24
Primavera Unifier Earned Value Management Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 25
Primavera Unifier Essentials for Building Owners Cloud Service Hosted Named User 26
Primavera Unifier Team for External Collaborators Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 27
Primavera Unifier Facilities and Asset Management Cloud Service- Hosted Named User 28
Primavera Unifier Portal User Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 30
AutoVue 2D Professional Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 30
AutoVue 3D Professional Advanced Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 31
Primavera Unifier United Kingdom Government Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 31
Additional Primavera Service Descriptions 34
Primavera Analytics Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User 34
Primavera P6 Cloud Service and Primavera Unifier Cloud Service, Additional Non-Production
Environment 35
Primavera Submittal Exchange Service Descriptions 36
Primavera Submittal Exchange Single Project Cloud Service Per Construction Project Value in
Millions 36
Primavera Submittal Exchange Public Planroom Cloud Service Per Project 36
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 3 of 39
Primavera Submittal Exchange Enterprise Cloud Service Per $M in Total Construction Value
On-Premises to Cloud Migration Support 38
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 4 of 39
1M of Project Value Allowance is defined as one million U.S. dollars (or the equivalent amount in local
currency stated in the order) of the maximum cumulative Project Value Consumption covered by Your
1M of Project Value is defined as one million U.S. dollars (or the equivalent amount in local currency
stated in the order) of the single Project Value covered by Your order.
1M of Planned Budget is defined as one million U.S. dollars (or the equivalent amount in local currency
stated in the order) of Your average annual Planned Budget managed by the Cloud Service during the
Services Period.
Construction Project Value in Millions is defined as the cost for a Construction Project in millions that
is managed through the Cloud Service over the duration of the Construction Project.
Hosted Employee: is defined as
(i) all of your full-time, part-time, temporary employees, and
(ii) all of your agents, contractors and consultants who have access to, use, or are tracked by the
The quantity of the licenses required is determined by the number of Employees and not the actual
number of users.
In addition, if you elect to outsource any business function(s) to another company, the following must
be counted for purposes of determining the number of Hosted Employees: all of the company's full-
time employees, part-time employees, temporary employees, agents, contractors and consultants that
(i) are providing the outsourcing services and (ii) have access to, use, or are tracked by the programs.
Hosted Environment is defined as the combination of hardware and software components owned,
licensed or managed by Oracle to which Oracle grants You and Your Users access as part of the Oracle
Cloud Services which You have ordered. A Hosted Environment can be used for only one type of Oracle
Application Program. The number of Production Environments and Non-Production Environments will
be specified in the applicable service description.
Hosted Named User is defined as an individual authorized by You to access the Cloud Service,
regardless of whether the individual is actively accessing the service at any given time.
Nonproduction Environment is defined as a Hosted Environment that is specifically sized and
designed (i) for functional testing and validating changes prior to their promotion to the Production
Environment, (ii) for recreating events and duplicating issues occurring in the Production Environment
for the purposes of troubleshooting and facilitating incident resolution, and (iii) for development,
training, and testing purposes. The Nonproduction Environment may not be used for production
purposes or for performance or stress testing, and any service levels, performance targets and disaster
recovery described for the applicable Oracle Cloud Service are not applicable to Nonproduction
Environments. The Nonproduction Environment is limited to 50 concurrent Users. The Nonproduction
Environment may be refreshed, at Your request, no more than once per quarter. Note that only the
database will be copied over. File repositories and user reports are not copied from production
environment. Oracle periodically makes backups of non-production data for Oracle's sole use to limit
data loss and service downtime in the event of a disaster.
$M in Total Construction Value is defined as one Million U.S. Dollars (stated in Millions by local
currency) of the annual total construction value managed by the Cloud Service.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 5 of 39
Application Program refers to (a) the software owned or distributed by Oracle that You have ordered
under an Oracle master agreement, (b) Program Documentation and (c) any Program updates acquired
through technical support. Programs do not include Integrated Software or any Operating System or
any software release prior to general availability (e.g., beta releases).
Automated Clearing House (ACH) is an electronic network for financial transactions in the United
States. ACH processes large volumes of credit and debit transactions in batches. ACH credit transfers
include direct deposit, payroll and vendor payments.
Base Cloud Service means the pre-requisite Oracle Cloud Service necessary for the optional cloud
service to operate.
General Contractor is defined as a business or person that coordinates work of multiple
Subcontractors on behalf of an Owner for a Project.
Gigabyte is defined as 1,000,000,000 bytes of storage space.
Location is defined as a single, physical office location of a client, which can have unlimited users per
Owner is defined as the party who is paying for and using the constructed building.
Planned Budget is defined as the annual Capital and Expense costs managed by the Cloud Service.
The average annual Planned Budget is determined by the following:
a) Each annual Planned Budget cycle managed by the Cloud Service that begins during the Services Period
of Your order is included.
b) The annual Planned Budget is your approved annual budget or, in the case where no approved annual
budget yet exists, the budget most likely to be approved.
c) If there is more than one annual Planned Budget cycle during your Services Period, the average annual
Planned Budget equals the aggregate of each Planned Budget cycle meeting the above criteria divided
by the number of Planned Budget cycles meeting the above criteria.
Project is defined as the scope of work to be performed using the Cloud Service with a defined scope,
budget, and schedule.
Project Value Allowance or “PVA” is the maximum Project Value Consumption permitted within the
Services Period of Your order before additional fees apply.
Project Value Consumption or “PVC” is the cumulative consumption of Project Value based on the
proportion of Projects delivered during the Services Period identified in Your order.
Production Environment is defined as a Hosted Environment that is designed for daily commercial
use and production operations of live data. Unless otherwise specified, a single Production
Environment is provided for an Oracle Cloud Service as part of the Oracle Cloud Service.
Project Value is defined as the cost for a Project that is managed through the Cloud Service over the
duration of the Project.
Project Value Consumption ("PVC") is the cumulative proportion of Project Value of Projects delivered
under Your order during the Services Period as calculated in accordance with Your order.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 6 of 39
Public Planroom is a virtual collaboration space with an externally available URL designed for storing,
reviewing, and exchanging drawings during the preconstruction phase of a Project, often used for
distributing documents to bidders.
Subcontractor is defined as a business or person that carries out work for a General Contractor as part
of a larger Project.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 7 of 39
Oracle Primavera Schedule Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B92515
Users of the Oracle Primavera Schedule Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules
or functionalities:
Costs and Funds
My Activities
Primavera Cloud Mobile (excluding tasks)
Oracle Analytics Publisher*
* Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with Oracle Primavera Schedule Cloud Service. Direct access to
Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and for the sole purpose of creating or editing
reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not supported.
If acquired directly from Oracle, Your onboarding order of Oracle Primavera Schedule Cloud Service
requires the Oracle Primavera Cloud Administrator Enablement Service and will automatically be
included in your order; (if Your order includes Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Cloud Service, only
one order of the Oracle Primavera Cloud Administrator Enablement Service is required).
Usage Limits: The Oracle Primavera Schedule Cloud Service supports both Production and Non-
Production data and is subject to the following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Your Oracle Primavera Schedule Cloud Service tenant is restricted to the specified subscription
metric in your order and all Cloud Services to be provisioned in a tenant must be licensed with
the same metric. Cloud Services based on another metric must be provisioned in a separate,
independent tenant.
Files uploaded to Oracle Primavera Cloud, including but not limited to documents, drawings,
and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Cloud Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
12 hours
1 hour
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 8 of 39
The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared disaster. The RTO and
RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Task Management Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
(Formerly known as Oracle Primavera Lean Cloud Service)
Part #: B92516
Users of the Oracle Primavera Task Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
Oracle Primavera Lean modules or functionalities:
Primavera Cloud Mobile
Usage Limits: The Oracle Primavera Task Management Cloud Service is subject to the following
usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Files uploaded to Oracle Primavera Cloud, including but not limited to documents, drawings,
and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Cloud Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level of this Oracle
Cloud Service are the same as described in the service description for the applicable base Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Progress Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B92517
Users of the Oracle Primavera Progress Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules
or functionalities:
Submitting Timesheets
My Activities
Primavera Cloud Mobile (excluding tasks)
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 9 of 39
Usage Limits: The Oracle Primavera Progress Cloud Service is subject to the following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Files uploaded to Oracle Primavera Cloud, including but not limited to documents, drawings,
and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Cloud Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level of this Oracle
Cloud Service are the same as described in the service description for the applicable base Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
(Formerly known as Oracle Prime Portfolio Cloud Service and Oracle Primavera Portfolio Cloud Service)
Part #: B90210
Users of the Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
modules or functionalities:
Costs and Funds
Portfolio Analysis
Strategic Alignment
Oracle Analytics Publisher*
* Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Cloud Service. Direct
access to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and for the sole purpose of creating
or editing reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not supported.
If acquired directly from Oracle, Your onboarding order of Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Cloud
Service requires the Oracle Primavera Cloud Administrator Enablement Service and will automatically
be included in your order; (if Your order includes Oracle Primavera Schedule Cloud Service, only one
order of the Oracle Primavera Cloud Administrator Enablement Service is required).
Usage Limits: The Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Cloud Service supports both Production and
Non-Production data and is subject to the following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order. This limit does not
apply to the Idea Submitter Only user type.
Your Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Cloud Service tenant is restricted to the specified
subscription metric in your order and all Cloud Services to be provisioned in a tenant must be
licensed with the same metric. Cloud Services based on another metric must be provisioned in
a separate, independent tenant.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 10 of 39
Files uploaded to Oracle Primavera Cloud, including but not limited to documents, drawings,
and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Cloud Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
12 hours
1 hour
The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared disaster. The RTO and
RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Schedule Single Project Cloud Service Per 1M of Project Value
Part #: B92700
Users of the Oracle Primavera Schedule Single Project Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules or functionalities:
My Activities
Primavera Cloud Mobile
Oracle Analytics Publisher*
* Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with Oracle Primavera Single Project Cloud Service. Direct access
to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and for the sole purpose of creating or editing
reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not supported.
If acquired directly from Oracle, Your onboarding order of Oracle Primavera Schedule Single Project
Cloud Service may require the Oracle Primavera Cloud Inclusive Service.
Usage Limits: The Oracle Primavera Schedule Single Project Cloud Service is subject to the following
usage limits:
Access to the named Project as identified in Your order.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 11 of 39
For Your Single Project order per 1M of Project Value, You are allotted the maximum quantity
of Project Value (in Millions) for the designated Project.
You will notify Oracle of any change in Project Value (PV) during the Services Period, and in
the event of an increase in PV during the Services Period, You agree to execute an order with
Oracle to reflect such increase in PV.
In the event You and Oracle agree to extend the Services Period related to a Project, the fees
for such extension will be based on the duration of such extension, the total monthly unit net
price as identified in Your order(s) and any Project Value increases.
You are permitted to create additional projects to support the Single Project as identified in
Your order (“Additional Projects”). The Additional Projects shall only be used for the following:
o integration of external data with the named Single Project as identified in Your order;
the Additional Projects must be accounted for in the Project Value identified in Your
o project(s) directly related to the Single Project identified in Your order; the Additional
Projects must be accounted for in the Project Value identified in Your order
o for non-production purposes in support of the Single Project as identified in your order
Your Oracle Primavera Schedule Single Project Cloud Service tenant is restricted to the
specified subscription metric in your order and all Cloud Services to be provisioned in a tenant
must be licensed with the same metric. Cloud Services based on another metric must be
provisioned in a separate, independent tenant.
Files uploaded to Oracle Primavera Cloud, including but not limited to documents, drawings,
and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Cloud Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
12 hours
1 hour
The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared disaster. The RTO and
RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 12 of 39
Oracle Primavera Schedule Enterprise Cloud Service Per 1M of Project Value
Part #: B92701
Users of the Oracle Primavera Schedule Enterprise Cloud Service per 1M of Project Value Allowance are
authorized to access the following modules or functionalities:
My Activities
Primavera Cloud Mobile
Oracle Analytics Publisher*
* Usage of Oracle Analytics Publisher is restricted to functionality integrated with Oracle Primavera Schedule
Enterprise Cloud Service. Direct access to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and
for the sole purpose of creating or editing reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not
If acquired directly from Oracle, Your onboarding order of Oracle Primavera Schedule Enterprise
Cloud Service requires the Oracle Primavera Cloud Administrator Enablement Service and will
automatically be included in your order; (if Your order includes Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning
Enterprise Cloud Service, only one order of the Oracle Primavera Cloud Administrator Enablement
Service is required).
Usage Limits: The Oracle Primavera Schedule Enterprise Cloud Service is subject to the following
usage limits:
Unlimited Projects up to a maximum quantity of 1M of Project Value Allowance (PVA) as
identified in Your order.
Project Value Consumption (PVC) commences when the Oracle Primavera Cloud Service is
first used for the purposes of the Project delivery of Your scope for the applicable Project.
During the Services Period, each Project will be deemed to consume Project Value (PV) and
therefore be included in the calculation of PVC on a straight-line basis over the duration of the
Project from commencement up to completion. If the forecast duration of the Project extends
beyond the end of the Services Period end date specified in Your order, only that proportion of
the Project Value on a straight-line basis prior to the end date of Your order is deemed to
consume PVA.
If the forecast duration or Project Value of any Project varies, then the PVC distribution will be
adjusted accordingly.
Oracle may maintain a record of the details of each Project using the Services under Your
order, recording PV and contribution to the PVC. Oracle and You will review the record
periodically during the term of Your order to update and validate PVC and for Oracle, in its
reasonable discretion, to determine whether the PVA or the scope of the order has been
exceeded. You will notify Oracle of any change in a project’s PV during the Services Period,
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 13 of 39
and in the event of an increase in PV during the Services Period results in the PVA likely being
exceeded, You agree to execute an order with Oracle to reflect such increase in PVA in
accordance with the below paragraph.
Subject to You executing an order or amendment with Oracle, You may increase the PVA
during the Services Period of Your order and the additional fee for the PVA increase will be
based on the monthly unit net price of Your most recent order.
For Projects managed under a separate Single Project order, and where the order has expired
but services are still required, You may elect to incorporate the Project under Your Enterprise
order and only the forecast delivery of the Project will be included as PVC.
Files uploaded to Oracle Primavera Cloud, including but not limited to documents, drawings,
and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Cloud Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
12 hours
1 hour
The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared disaster. The RTO and
RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 14 of 39
Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Enterprise Cloud Service Per 1M of Planned
Part #: B92702
Users of the Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Enterprise Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules:
Costs and Funds
Portfolio Analysis
Strategic Alignment
Oracle Analytics Publisher*
* Usage of Oracle Analytics Publisher is restricted to functionality integrated with Oracle Primavera Portfolio
Enterprise Cloud Service. Direct access to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and
for the sole purpose of creating or editing reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not
If acquired directly from Oracle, Your onboarding order of Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning
Enterprise Cloud Service requires the Oracle Primavera Cloud Administrator Enablement Service and
will automatically be included in your order; (if Your order includes Oracle Primavera Schedule
Enterprise Cloud Service, only one order of the Oracle Primavera Cloud Administrator Enablement
Service is required).
Usage Limits: The Oracle Primavera Portfolio Planning Enterprise Cloud Service is subject to the
following usage limits:
Your average annual Planned Budget across the Services Period is not greater than the
maximum quantity of 1M of Planned Budget as identified in Your order.
In the event where Your average annual Planned Budget exceeds the 1M of Planned Budget
specified in Your order, by a minimum of 10%, additional fees will be based on Your monthly
unit net fee.
Files uploaded to Oracle Primavera Cloud, including but not limited to documents, drawings,
and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Cloud Portfolio.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
12 hours
1 hour
The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared disaster. The RTO and
RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 15 of 39
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service, Oracle Academy Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B95167
Users of the Oracle Primavera Cloud Service, Oracle Academy are authorized to access the following
modules or functionalities:
Costs and Funds
My Activities
Primavera Cloud Mobile
Oracle Analytics Publisher*
* Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with Oracle Primavera Cloud Service, Oracle Academy.
Direct access to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and for the sole
purpose of creating or editing reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not
Usage Limits: The Oracle Primavera Cloud Service, Oracle Academy is subject to the following usage
Your use is limited to the teaching of classes at an accredited educational institution in
accordance with the Oracle Academy Institution Membership Agreement between You and
Oracle. You must maintain a current, valid membership in the Oracle Academy. In the event
Your membership in the Oracle Academy expires or is terminated during the services period,
Your right to use the Oracle Primavera Cloud Service, Oracle Academy will immediately
Usage is limited to training purposes only.
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Files uploaded to Oracle Primavera Cloud, including but not limited to documents, drawings,
and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Cloud Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 16 of 39
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
12 hours
1 hour
The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared disaster. The RTO and
RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 17 of 39
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service Per Hosted
Named User
Part #: B76057
Users of the Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service are authorized to
access the following modules or functionalities:
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
Primavera P6 Professional
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Web Services
Primavera P6 Team Member
Oracle Analytics Publisher*
Oracle UPK Server **
Primavera Analytics Cloud Sync***
On-premises to Cloud Migration Support; as described in Appendix 1 to these Service
Primavera Gateway****
* Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service.
Direct access to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and for the sole purpose of
creating or editing reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not supported.
** You are responsible for providing content to be hosted in UPK Server
*** Requires the Primavera Analytics or Primavera Data Warehouse on-premises product to be already installed.
**** Primavera Gateway provides for the exclusive use of integrating Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management Cloud Service with other Primavera Applications
Usage Limits: The Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service is subject to
the following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order
Oracle will provision two (2) Environments for this Cloud Service: Production and Non-Production.
Additional Non-Production Environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Files uploaded to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management, including but not
limited to documents, drawings, and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
72 hours
2 hour
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 18 of 39
The RTO, RPO, and Target Service Availability Level do not apply to the Non-Production
Environment(s). The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared
disaster. The RTO and RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Web Services Cloud
Part #: B76059 Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B90370 Per Hosted Employee
Users of the Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Web Services Cloud Service are
authorized to access the following modules or functionalities:
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Web Services
To use this Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Web Services Cloud Service, You
are required to first purchase and maintain Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
Cloud Service (base Cloud service) for the duration of the Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management Web Services Cloud Service.
Usage Limits: The Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Web Services Cloud
Service is subject to usage limits based on:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users or Hosted Employees as identified in Your order.
Files uploaded to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management, including but not
limited to documents, drawings, and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level for this Oracle
Cloud Service are provided with the applicable base Cloud Service.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 19 of 39
Primavera P6 Progress Reporter Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B76058
Users of the Primavera P6 Progress Reporter Cloud Service are authorized to access the Primavera P6
Team Member module.
Usage Limits: The Primavera P6 Progress Reporter Cloud Service is subject to the following usage
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Files uploaded to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management, including but not
limited to documents, drawings, and photographs, must be directly related to the
corresponding Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level for this Oracle
Cloud Service are the same as described in the service description for the applicable base Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera Virtual Desktop Cloud Service Per Hosted Environment
Part # B85990
Users of this Oracle Cloud Service will be authorized to access the following module:
Primavera Virtual Desktop Cloud Service
To use the Primavera Virtual Desktop Cloud Service, You are required to first purchase and maintain
the Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service. If the Primavera P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service lapses or otherwise ends, the Primavera Virtual
Desktop Cloud Service will also automatically end. Disaster Recovery is not available for this service.
Usage Limits: The Primavera Virtual Desktop Cloud Service is subject to the following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Environments as identified in Your order.
Oracle will provision one Primavera Virtual Desktop Environment for this Cloud Service which
allows Your users to access both Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
Production and Non-Production Environments.
For each Hosted Environment, You may authorize up to the following maximum number of
Users: the lesser of 80 Users or the number of User subscriptions purchased under Your P6
Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service that will use the Primavera P6
Professional module.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 20 of 39
High levels of use of the Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service (e.g.,
high number of concurrent active Users or large size of projects being loaded) may consume the CPU
and memory resources of the Primavera Virtual Desktop Cloud Service and adversely affect service
performance. Oracle is not responsible for such performance issues. To mitigate the impact resulting
from high levels of use of the Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service,
You must purchase additional Hosted Environments of the Primavera Virtual Desktop Cloud Service.
To use Your Primavera Virtual Desktop Cloud Service with Primavera P6 Cloud Service, Additional
Production Database or Primavera P6 Cloud Service or Primavera Unifier Cloud Service, Additional Non-
Production Environment, you must submit a request to My Oracle Support.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level for this Oracle
Cloud Service are the same as described in the service description for the applicable base Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at; however, the
Disaster Recovery Service Policy does not apply to this Oracle Cloud Service.
Primavera P6 Cloud Service, Additional Production Database Per Hosted Named
(Formerly known as Primavera Cloud Service Additional Production Database Production
Part #: B82760
The Primavera P6 Cloud Service, Additional Production Database provides for one additional
production access point within an existing full deployment of Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management Cloud Service, separately purchased by You.
Each Additional Production Database will be created as a separate schema within the production
database instance of the base Primavera Cloud Service listed above. All backup and restore activities
are performed at the instance level of the Primavera Cloud Service and all schemas within the instance
will be backed up and restored together. The maintenance or upgrade schedule for the Additional
Production Database will be the same as the schedule for the Production Environment of the Primavera
Cloud Service. If You ordered more than one Primavera P6 Cloud Service, Additional Production
Database, Oracle will logically separate, and provide You with a unique URL for each such database
within the Production Environment of the Primavera Cloud Service.
If Your Production Environment includes Primavera Analytics Cloud Service, each Primavera P6 Cloud
Service, Additional Production Database is integrated to your single Production Environment of
Primavera Analytics Cloud Service.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 21 of 39
Usage Limits: The Primavera P6 Cloud Service, Additional Production Database is subject to the
following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users for Your Primavera Cloud Service as identified in
Your order.
For each unique user of an Additional Production Database, You must acquire and maintain,
for the duration of this Primavera P6 Cloud Service, Additional Production Database, a
subscription for the Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service.
Hosted Named Users of an Additional Production Database do not increase the total number
of unique users that are licensed for the base cloud service.
Files uploaded to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management, including but not
limited to documents, drawings, and photographs, must be directly related to the
corresponding Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Project.
The Primavera P6 Cloud Service, Additional Production Database is for production purposes only. For
Non-Production access to the additional production database, a Primavera P6 Cloud Service or
Primavera Unifier Cloud Service, Additional Non-Production Environment is required.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level for this Oracle
Cloud Service are the same as described in the service description for the applicable base Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management United Kingdom
Government Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B96106
Available in United Kingdom Only
For this Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management United Kingdom Government Cloud
Service, Your Content is hosted within a UK-based data center for both production and disaster
recovery purposes.
Oracle’s access to Your transactional data stored in the Cloud Service will be restricted to UK Nationals
who are residing in UK unless You provide prior written consent. UK Nationals with access to Your
transactional data will also have a minimum of SC Clearance provided that (i) Oracle has the continued
ability to sponsor applications for SC clearance; and/or (ii) a central government department has
agreed to sponsor individuals for SC clearance where required by Oracle, if requested to do so.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 22 of 39
The Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management United Kingdom Government Cloud
Service includes support from a UK Cloud Operations public sector compliance analyst to assist You
with Your initial assessment against the Supplier Assurance Framework and Cloud Security Principles.
Oracle will endeavor to maintain this Cloud Service to meet the requirements of Cyber Essentials and
align with the Cloud Security Principles.
Users of the Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management United Kingdom Government
Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules or functionalities:
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
Primavera P6 Professional
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Web Services
Primavera P6 Team Member
Oracle Analytics Publisher*
Primavera Gateway**
* Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management United Kingdom
Government Cloud Service. Direct access to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and
for the sole purpose of creating or editing reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher
is not supported.
** Primavera Gateway provides for the exclusive use of integrating Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
Management Cloud Service with other Primavera Applications
Usage Limits: The Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Cloud Service is subject to
the following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order
Oracle will provision two (2) Environments for this Cloud Service: Production and Non-Production.
Files uploaded to Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management, including but not
limited to documents, drawings, and photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Project.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
12 hours
1 hour
The RTO, RPO, and Target Service Availability Level do not apply to the Non-Production
Environment(s). The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a major disaster,
as declared by Oracle, that leads to loss of a data center and corresponding service unavailability, or a
national or global emergency or during Unplanned Downtime as described in the applicable Oracle
Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation referenced below. The RTO and RPO do not apply to
customizations or third party software.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 23 of 39
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
Oracle Global Business Unit (GBU) Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 24 of 39
Primavera Unifier Project Controls Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B79672
Users of the Primavera Unifier Project Controls Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
modules or functionalities:
Portfolio Manager
Planning Manager
Document Manager
Funding Manager
Schedule Manager
Resource Manager
Activity Manager
Business Processes*
Cost Sheet (CBS)
Cash Flow
Earned Value (within Cost Manager)
User Administration
uDesigner (Workflow)
Oracle UPK Server **
Oracle Analytics Publisher ***
Primavera Analytics Cloud Sync****
Primavera Gateway *****
* Excludes the following Business Processes supported with Primavera Unifier Facilities and Asset Management
Cloud Service:
o Cost Type Business Process - Line Items with Multiple Codes
o Line Item Type Business Process - Preventative Maintenance
** You are responsible for providing content to be hosted in UPK Server
*** Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with Unifier Project Controls Cloud Service. Direct access to
Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and for the sole purpose of creating or editing
reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not supported.
**** Requires the Primavera Analytics or Primavera Data Warehouse on-premises product to be already installed.
***** Primavera Gateway provides for the exclusive use of integrating Primavera Unifier Project Controls Cloud
Service with other Primavera Applications
Usage Limits: The Primavera Unifier Project Controls Cloud Service is subject to the following usage
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Oracle will provision two (2) Environments for this Cloud Service: Production and Non-
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 25 of 39
Files uploaded to Primavera Unifier, including but not limited to documents, drawings, and
photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Unifier workspace.
Oracle reserves the right to limit storage of certain video file formats uploaded to Primavera
Unifier, including but not limited to .mov, .wmv, .avi, .avchd, .flv, .f4v, .swf, .mkv, .webm and
.html5 formats, if Your maximum aggregate data storage exceeds one terabyte (1 TB).
Additional Non-Production Environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
72 hours
2 hour
The RTO, RPO, and Target Service Availability Level do not apply to the Non-Production
Environment(s). The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared
disaster. The RTO and RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera Unifier Earned Value Management Cloud Service Per Hosted Named
Part #: B89672
Users of the Primavera Unifier Earned Value Management Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules or functionalities:
Earned Value Management
Usage Limits: The Primavera Unifier Earned Value Management Cloud Service is subject to the
following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Each Hosted Named User of this cloud services must also be a Hosted Named User of
Primavera Unifier Project Controls Cloud Service
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level for this Oracle
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 26 of 39
Cloud Service are the same as described in the service description for the applicable base Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies,
which may be viewed at
Primavera Unifier Essentials for Building Owners Cloud Service Hosted Named
Part #: B93158
Users of the Primavera Unifier Essentials for Building Owners Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules or functionalities:
Building Owner Solution Set
Portfolio Manager
Document Manager
Funding Manager
Activity Manager
Business Processes*
Cost Sheet (CBS)
Cash Flow
User Administration
Oracle Analytics Publisher **
Primavera Gateway ***
* Excludes the following Business Processes supported with Primavera Unifier Facilities and Asset Management
Cloud Service:
o Cost Type Business Process - Line Items with Multiple Codes
o Line Item Type Business Process - Preventative Maintenance
** Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with Primavera Unifier Essentials for Building Owners Cloud
Service. Direct access to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and for the sole
purpose of creating or editing reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not supported.
*** Primavera Gateway provides for the exclusive use of integrating Primavera Unifier Essentials for Building
Owners Cloud Service with other Primavera Applications
Usage Limits: The Primavera Unifier Essentials for Building Owners Cloud Service is subject to the
following usage limits:
Supports Production data only.
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Files uploaded to Primavera Unifier, including but not limited to documents, drawings, and
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 27 of 39
photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Unifier Project or shell.
Oracle reserves the right to limit storage of certain video file formats uploaded to Primavera
Unifier, including but not limited to .mov, .wmv, .avi, .avchd, .flv, .f4v, .swf, .mkv, .webm and
.html5 formats, if Your maximum aggregate data storage exceeds one terabyte (1 TB).
Configuration Package Updates
During the Services Period, Oracle may release configuration package updates to the Cloud Service that
may require direct access to Your Production environment to install an update. If direct access is
required, You may (1) provide Oracle with access for Oracle to install, or (2) install the updates directly
following instructions provided by Oracle yourself.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
72 hours
2 hour
The RTO, RPO, and Target Service Availability Level do not apply to the Non-Production
Environment(s). The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared
disaster. The RTO and RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera Unifier Team for External Collaborators Cloud Service Per Hosted
Named User
(Formerly known as Primavera Unifier Contractor Cloud Service)
Part #: B92899
Users of the Primavera Unifier Team for External Collaborators Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules or functionalities:
Document Manager
Business Processes*
* Limited to multi-record business processes at the shell level
** Excludes Project Mailbox
Usage Limits: The Primavera Unifier Team for External Collaborators Cloud Service is subject to the
following usage limits:
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 28 of 39
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order
Each Hosted Named User must be a member of a Primavera Unifier Cloud Service Partner
Company and be considered Your agent, contractor or consultant who has access to, use, or
are tracked by the program. For clarification purposes only, a Partner Company is a
consultant, contractor, subsidiary, or vendor company which is associated with You and may
work with You on all, or only some, of Your projects or shells. For more information on
Primavera Unifier projects and shells, refer to the program documentation.
Files uploaded to Primavera Unifier, including but not limited to documents, drawings, and
photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Unifier workspace.
Oracle reserves the right to limit storage of certain video file formats uploaded to Primavera
Unifier, including but not limited to .mov, .wmv, .avi, .avchd, .flv, .f4v, .swf, .mkv, .webm and
.html5 formats, if Your maximum aggregate data storage exceeds one terabyte (1 TB).
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level for this Oracle
Cloud Service are provided with the applicable base Cloud Service.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera Unifier Facilities and Asset Management Cloud Service- Hosted Named
(Formerly known as Primavera Unifier Facilities and Real Estate Management Cloud Service.)
Part #: B84353
Users of the Primavera Unifier Facilities and Asset Management Cloud Service are authorized to access
the following modules or functionalities:
Space Manager
Asset Manager
Document Manager
Business Processes*
Cost Sheet (Generic)
User Administration
uDesigner (Workflow)
Oracle UPK Server **
Oracle Analytics Publisher ***
Primavera Analytics Cloud Sync ****
Primavera Gateway *****
* Excludes the following Business Processes supported with Primavera Unifier Project Controls Cloud Service:
- Cost Type Business Process - Line Items with CBS Code
- Cost Type Business Process - Line Items with Fund Code
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 29 of 39
- Cost Type Business Process - Line Items with both CBS and Fund Codes
- Cost Type Business Process - Line Items with both CBS and WBS Codes
- Resource Type Business Process
** You are responsible for providing content to be hosted in UPK Server
*** Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with Primavera Unifier Facilities and Asset Management Cloud
Service. Direct access to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with BIAuthor role and for the sole
purpose of creating or editing reports. Running reports directly in Oracle Analytics Publisher is not supported.
**** Requires the Primavera Analytics or Primavera Data Warehouse on-premises product to be already installed.
***** Primavera Gateway provides for the exclusive use of integrating Primavera Unifier Facilities and Asset
Management Cloud Service with other Primavera Applications
Usage Limits: The Primavera Unifier Facilities and Asset Management Cloud Service is subject to
usage limits based on:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as stated in Your order.
Oracle will provision two (2) Environments for this Cloud Service: Production and Non-
Files uploaded to Primavera Unifier, including but not limited to documents, drawings, and
photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Unifier workspace.
Oracle reserves the right to limit storage of certain video file formats uploaded to Primavera
Unifier, including but not limited to .mov, .wmv, .avi, .avchd, .flv, .f4v, .swf, .mkv, .webm and
.html5 formats, if Your maximum aggregate data storage exceeds one terabyte (1 TB).
Additional Non-Production Environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
72 hours
2 hour
The RTO, RPO, and Target Service Availability Level do not apply to the Non-Production
Environment(s). The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared
disaster. The RTO and RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 30 of 39
Primavera Unifier Portal User Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B76545
Users of the Primavera Unifier Portal User Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules
or functionalities:
a limited set of business processes determined by You, accessed via a URL specific to the
Unifier Portal such as Service Requests, Work Requests or Project Request
Usage Limits: The Primavera Unifier Portal User Cloud Service is subject to the following usage
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level for this Oracle
Cloud Service are the same as described in the service description for the applicable base Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
AutoVue 2D Professional Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B78041
Users of the AutoVue 2D Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules or:
AutoVue 2D Professional
Usage Limits: The AutoVue 2D Professional Cloud Service is subject to the following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Oracle will provision two (2) Environments for this AutoVue 2D Professional Cloud Service:
Production and Non-Production. Additional Non-Production Environments may be purchased
subject to additional fees.
The following modules and/or functionalities, which may be available in separate non-cloud
software deployments, are not available as part of this Oracle Cloud Service:
o Desktop Deployment Method
o APIs and Web Services
o AutoVue Integration Software Development Kit (ISDK)
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level for this Oracle
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 31 of 39
Cloud Service are the same as described in the service descriptions for the applicable base Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
AutoVue 3D Professional Advanced Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B86057
Users of the AutoVue 3D Professional Advanced Cloud Service are authorized to access the following
modules or:
AutoVue 3D Professional
Usage Limits: The AutoVue 3D Professional Advanced Cloud Service is subject to the following usage
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Oracle will provision two (2) Environments for this Cloud Service: Production and Non-
Production. Additional Non-Production Environments may be purchased subject to additional
The following modules and/or functionalities, which may be available in separate non-cloud
software deployments, are not available as part of this Oracle Cloud Service:
o Desktop Deployment Method
o APIs and Web Services
o AutoVue Integration Software Development Kit (ISDK)
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, the Recovery Time
Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target Service Availability Level for this Oracle
Cloud Service are the same as described in the service description for the applicable base Cloud
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera Unifier United Kingdom Government Cloud Service Per Hosted
Named User
Part #: B96107
Available in United Kingdom Only
For this Primavera Unifier United Kingdom Government Cloud Service, Your Content is hosted within a
UK-based data center for both production and disaster recovery purposes.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 32 of 39
Oracle’s access to Your transactional data stored in the Cloud Service will be restricted to UK Nationals
who are residing in UK unless You provide prior written consent. UK Nationals with access to Your
transactional data will also have a minimum of SC Clearance provided that (i) Oracle has the continued
ability to sponsor applications for SC clearance; and/or (ii) a central government department has
agreed to sponsor individuals for SC clearance where required by Oracle, if requested to do so.
The Primavera Unifier United Kingdom Government Cloud Service includes support from a UK Cloud
Operations public sector compliance analyst to assist You with Your initial assessment against the
Supplier Assurance Framework and Cloud Security Principles.
Oracle will endeavor to maintain this Cloud Service to meet the requirements of Cyber Essentials and
align with the Cloud Security Principles.
Users of the Primavera Unifier United Kingdom Government Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules or functionalities:
Portfolio Manager
Planning Manager
Document Manager
Funding Manager
Activity Manager
Space Manager
Document Manager
Earned Value Management
Business Processes
Self-Service Portal
Cost Sheet
Cash Flow
User Administration
uDesigner (Workflow)
Primavera Gateway
Oracle Analytics Publisher *
* Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with the Primavera Unifier United Kingdom
Government Cloud Service. Direct access to Oracle Analytics Publisher is limited to users with
BIAuthor role and for the sole purpose of creating or editing reports. Running reports directly in
Oracle Analytics Publisher is not supported.
Usage Limits: The Primavera Unifier United Kingdom Government Cloud Service is subject to the
following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order. This limit does not apply
to users assigned the Portal User Type.
Oracle will provision two (2) Environments for this Cloud Service: Production and Non-Production.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 33 of 39
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
12 hours
1 hour
The RTO, RPO, and Target Service Availability Level do not apply to the Non-Production
Environment(s). The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a major disaster,
as declared by Oracle, that leads to loss of a data center and corresponding service unavailability, or a
national or global emergency or during Unplanned Downtime as described in the Oracle Cloud
Policies and Pillar Documentation referenced below. The RTO and RPO do not apply to
customizations or third party software.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 34 of 39
Primavera Analytics Cloud Service Per Hosted Named User
Part #: B79107
Users of the Primavera Analytics Cloud Service are authorized to access the following modules or
Primavera Analytics
Primavera Data Warehouse *
Oracle Analytics Server**
* Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with Primavera Analytics Cloud Service. No direct access
to the Primavera Data Warehouse is permitted.
** Usage is restricted to functionality integrated with Primavera Analytics Cloud Service. No direct
access to Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) repository file is permitted. Changes to the repository file are
limited to documented options per the Primavera Analytics Cloud Service Administration Guide and
require submitting a request to My Oracle Support. No additional data sources are permitted with the
OAS repository file. Spatial data is restricted to the OAS spatial boundary data included with Primavera
Analytics Cloud Service. Oracle Analytics Publisher reports are not supported. Data Visualization usage
is restricted to data integrated with Primavera Analytics Cloud Service or imported from Microsoft Excel
Usage Limits: The Primavera Analytics Cloud Service is subject to the following usage limits:
A maximum number of Hosted Named Users as identified in Your order.
Oracle will provision two (2) Environments for this Cloud Service: Production and Non-
Any refresh of Your production data into Your Non-Production environment is limited to Your
Primavera P6 and/or Primavera Unifier data only.
Additional Non-Production Environments may be purchased subject to additional fees.
Disaster Recovery and Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Global Business Unit Cloud Services Pillar Document, this Oracle Cloud
Service has the following Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Target
Service Availability Level for the Production Environment:
Recovery Time Objective
Recovery Point Objective
Target Service
Availability Level
72 hours
2 hour
The RTO, RPO, and Target Service Availability Level do not apply to the Non-Production
Environment(s). The Target Service Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared
disaster. The RTO and RPO do not apply to customizations or third party software.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 35 of 39
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera P6 Cloud Service and Primavera Unifier Cloud Service, Additional Non-
Production Environment
(Formerly known as Primavera Cloud Service Additional Nonproduction Environment)
Part #: B76563
The Primavera P6 Cloud Service and Primavera Unifier Cloud Service, Additional Non-Production
Environment provides for the provision of an additional Non-Production Environment within Your
Primavera Cloud Service. The maintenance or upgrade schedule for the Additional Non-Production
Environment will be the same as the schedule for Your Production Environment unless You request the
Additional Non-Production Environment be upgraded to a newer version prior to Your Production
Environment upgrade.
The Additional Non-Production Environment is provisioned as an unconfigured environment and users
are authorized to access the same functionalities available in one of the following:
Your Production Environment, which may include Primavera P6 Enterprise Portfolio
Management Cloud Service, or Primavera Unifier Cloud Services, or both
Your Primavera P6 Cloud Service, Additional Production Database (each Primavera P6 Cloud
Service, Additional Production Database requires a separate purchase of Primavera P6 Cloud
Service and Primavera Unifier Cloud Service, Additional Non-Production Environment).
The Additional Non-Production Environment may be used only for Non-Production activities, and
certain programs and optional services may not be able to run in the Additional Non-Production
Usage Limits: The Primavera P6 Cloud Service and Primavera Unifier Cloud Service, Additional Non-
Production Environment is subject to the following usage limits:
The Additional Non-Production Environment will share the same Identity Manager instance as
the Production Environment.
Files uploaded to Primavera P6 Cloud Service and Primavera Unifier Cloud Service, Additional
Non-Production Environment, including but not limited to documents, drawings, and
photographs, must be directly related to the corresponding Primavera Project or workspace.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 36 of 39
Primavera Submittal Exchange Single Project Cloud Service Per Construction
Project Value in Millions
(Formerly known as Primavera Submittal Exchange Construction Project Cloud Service)
Part #: B88659
Users of the Primavera Submittal Exchange Single Project Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules or functionalities for the named Project as identified in Your order:
Primavera Submittal Exchange Single Project
Your Users will be required to accept the Oracle Submittal Exchange Terms of Use prior to being
granted access to the Cloud Service.
Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Cloud Policies, this Oracle Cloud Service has the following Target Service
Availability Level:
Target System
Availability Level
The Target System Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared disaster.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies
and Oracle GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera Submittal Exchange Public Planroom Cloud Service Per Project
Part #: B88660
Users of the Primavera Submittal Exchange Public Planroom Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules or functionalities:
Primavera Submittal Exchange Public Planroom
Your Users will be required to accept the Oracle Submittal Exchange Terms of Use prior to being granted
access to the Cloud Service.
Usage Limits: The Primavera Submittal Exchange Public Planroom Cloud Service is subject to the
following usage limits:
For each Project defined in Your order, You are granted access to a single Project’s Public
Planroom, either provisioned by Oracle as an independent Public Planroom for You or within an
existing Project previously provisioned through Primavera Submittal Exchange Single Project
Cloud Service in which You have been invited to participate.
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 37 of 39
Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Cloud Policies, this Oracle Cloud Service has the following Target Service
Availability Level:
Target System
Availability Level
The Target System Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared disaster.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies
and Oracle GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Primavera Submittal Exchange Enterprise Cloud Service Per $M in Total
Construction Value
Part #: B92493
Users of the Primavera Submittal Exchange Enterprise Cloud Service are authorized to access the
following modules or functionalities under the terms of Your order:
Primavera Submittal Exchange Projects
Primavera Submittal Exchange Planroom
Usage Limits: The Primavera Submittal Exchange Enterprise Cloud Service is subject to the following
usage limits:
Unlimited Projects up to a maximum quantity of $1M in Total Construction Value as identified
in Your order.
Your Users will be required to accept the Oracle Submittal Exchange Terms of Use prior to being
granted access to the Cloud Service.
Service Availability
As described in the Oracle Cloud Policies, this Oracle Cloud Service has the following Target Service
Availability Level:
Target System
Availability Level
The Target System Availability Level does not apply in the event of a declared disaster.
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation:
Your order for this Oracle Cloud Service is subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies
and Oracle GBU Cloud Services Pillar Document, which may be viewed at
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 38 of 39
On-Premises to Cloud Migration Support
This offering includes on-premises to cloud migration support for one (1) production instance of your
P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (“P6 EPPM”) database for common configurations. For
configurations that do not match the assumptions and exclusions listed below, Oracle recommends
engagement of Professional Services for a custom migration service (fees apply). All support, oral and
written, will be provided in the English language. All support is assumed to be remote.
Kickoff and Cloud Readiness
Kickoff and assessment of
impacts of upgrade and
migration on current
Primavera Virtual
Desktop (PVD)
configuration support
SAML 2.0
configuration support
Initial Upgrade of P6 EPPM 8.1 or
higher Oracle database to the current
approved cloud version
Validate basic functionalities
Perform data integrity review
P6 EPPM versions prior
to 8.1
P6 Professional
SQL Server Databases
External File
Repositories Migration
Reports Migration
Custom Interface
Provide upgraded database and users
to Cloud Operations for initial import
into cloud environment
Cloud Administration Orientation
Up to 4 hours of remote coaching
for up to 4 of your administrators
Training materials
Support for your User Acceptance
Testing (“UAT”) activities
Up to 2 days remote assistance
Issue escalation
Consultation, coaching
or training around new
features and
Configuration of new
features or functionality
Final Upgrade of P6 EPPM 8.1 or
higher Oracle database to the current
approved cloud version
Validate basic functionalities
Perform data integrity review
P6 EPPM versions prior
to 8.1
P6 Professional
SQL Server Databases
Oracle Primavera Cloud Service Descriptions Page 39 of 39
External File
Repositories Migration
Reports Migration
Custom Interface
Provide upgraded database and users
to Cloud Operations for final import
into cloud environment
Support for your post go-live
Up to 2 days remote assistance
Issue escalation
The Service Descriptions for Retired Oracle Construction and Engineering Cloud Services part numbers
can be found in a separate document on