Copyright © 1988 PMA Publishing Corp.
The Eating Disorders
Edited by BJ Blinder, BF Chaitin, & R Goldstein
Chapter 38
Learning and Behavioral Approaches to the Treatment of
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
James Kuechier and Robert Hampton
any signs and symptoms observed in
patients with anorexia nervosa resemble
those seen in non-self-induced starvation
states; namely, personality changes, difficulty with con-
centration, memory disturbances, irritability, and
apathy [1,2]. Indeed, actual cerebral atrophy may occur
in the anorexia nervosa patient [3].
Accordingly, many anorexia nervosa patients in the
initial stages of treatment do not respond or appreciate
the traditional forms of insight-oriented psychother-
apeutic interventions [4]. Active treatment is necessary.
While parenteral nutrition (or enteral intubation tech-
niques) may be indicated in life-threatening circum-
stances, more commonly (structured) behavioral
methods may be useful when applied in a hospital set-
ting where observation, measurement, and stepwise in-
formal feedback is possible. The purpose of this active
treatment is to physically prepare the patient for a more
comprehensive psychiatric treatment program, which
might include individual dynamic psychotherapy, group
therapy, and family therapy.
The behavioral approach to psychiatry has its origin
in experimental animal studies exemplified by the works
of Thorndike and Pavlov [5]. Emphasis is placed on ob-
servable behavioral events and related antecedent and
consequent conditions and responses.
In the strictest sense, behavior can be defined as an
individual's skeletal muscle activity, which includes ver-
bal expression [5]. Overt behavior is considered to be
events that are directly observable. Relevant examples
might include vomiting, amount of time spent exercis-
ing, time spent eating, food choices, weight change, etc.
This is to be distinguished from covert behaviors, which,
while still observable, require indirect techniques. This
includes affective and cognitive processes that could be
indirectly observed by body posture, limb movements,
or facial expressions. For example, clenched fists might
indicate the cognitive (covert) behavior of tension or
anxiety, and crying could similarly imply the affective be-
havior of sadness. Inferring the behavior by indirect ob-
servations, of course, would increase the possibility of
error. Observed crying, while often signifying sadness,
could also imply tears of joy—for example, at a wedding.
Thus, a degree of caution is advised to discourage over-
The concept of "behavior therapy" is more difficult
to define, because different investigators have used it in
a variety of ways. Some feel there is no universal defini-
tion of this term [6], but in general it can be considered
as a group of treatment techniques based to some ex-
tent on learning theory, conditioning techniques, and
empirical evaluation of results. We will describe four dis-
The Eating Disorders
tinct subsections of behavior therapy, although the dis-
tinction often blurs in clinical application.
Classical conditioning, also referred to as respon-
dent conditioning, involves the pairing of previously
neutral stimuli with an innate response evoked by an un-
conditioned stimulus. The subject eventually "learns"
to react to the neutral stimulus with the same response
(now termed conditioned response) in the absence of
the unconditioned stimulus. Clinical applications in-
clude systematic desensitization, flooding, and graded
Operant (instrumental) conditioning is based on
work by Thorndike and B.F. Skinner [5]. It essentially
consists of selectively rewarding and/or punishing
specified "target behavior" to increase or decrease, re-
spectively, their frequency of emission by the organism.
This "shaping" of desired behaviors is often referred to
as "behavior modification," although the authors feel
this definition is too restrictive.
Cognitive behavioral conditioning was described
by Beck [7,8] and operates under the premise that
cognitions (ie, thoughts, belief systems) precede and are
causally related to feelings, mood, and behavior. Ther-
apeutic intervention would be aimed at modifying the
antecedent thought to effect clinical change.
Social learning theory is based on vicarious ex-
periences causing change in an individual's behavior.
This concept, also referred to as "modeling" [5], sug-
gests that a subject learns a behavior by observing
another person engaged in that behavior and seeing
whether the observed person is rewarded (or punished).
Behavior therapy in the mental health setting is
generally recognized as having begun with Ayllon et al
in 1%4 [9]. They used attention by staff to modify eat-
ing behavior in chronic schizophrenic inpatients. Ward
observers had noted that patients who were unwilling or
unable to eat received increased staff attention. It was
hypothesized that this increased attention was a positive
social reinforcer. By changing the contingencies (ie, staff
was subsequently instructed to simply ignore problem
eaters), problem eating became unrewarding and
decreased significantly. In other words, the target be-
havior (poor eating) was extinguished by withdrawal of
reinforcement (social attention).
Note should be taken, however, that when
Leitenberg et al (1%8) tried this strategy in 1968 in
patients with anorexia nervosa, it was ineffective [10].
Behavioral techniques applied to eating disorders
began in the 1960s. Hallsten and Lang in 1965 reported
single case studies of female anorectics using systematic
desensitization to decrease both fears of weight gain and
feelings of self-consciousness [11,12]. Although there
were numerous methodological flaws, both authors re-
ported some success.
Also in 1965, Bachrach et al used socialization (ie, at-
tention and praise by staff) as a reward in an operant
conditioning paradigm to reinforce improved eating be-
havior in a 37-year-old anorectic patient [13]. The
patient gained weight initially, but this soon leveled off.
At this point the contingency was changed to weight gain
(as opposed to eating) when the possibility of secretive
vomiting became apparent. The patient then resumed
increasing her weight and was discharged after a two-
month period, having gained approximately 17 lbs.
Leitenberg et al essentially repeated this procedure
using two patients and reported similar success [10].
They attempted to refine the methodology by having
the patients individually be their own controls, measur-
ing weight gain in reinforcement versus non-reinforce-
ment phases, but results were not clear-cut. Although
both patients gained significant amounts of weight
during reinforcement, one patient continued to show
weight increase after reinforcement was stopped—thus
the predicted extinction effect did not occur.
In 1970, Blinder et al studied six hospitalized anorec-
tic patients and applied operant conditioning using
access to activity contingent on weight gain [14]. Noting
the patients' proclivity toward motor hyperactivity
during the initial observation period, they were given six
hours of unrestricted access to physical activity on any
day that weight increased 1/2 lb over the previous day.
The first three patients gained a mean of 4.8 lbs. per
week during the initial three weeks after behavior ther-
apy was started. As they approached more normal pro-
portions, their rate of increase decreased and averaged
3.9 lbs. per week for the whole treatment period. Med-
ication and limited psychotherapy were also used during
this period.
A fourth patient did not respond to limited activity as
a reinforcer but did complain about the sedative side-
effects of her medication (chlorpromazine). This sug-
gested a new source of reinforcement—decreasing
dosage contingent on weight gain—and this was
successfully used. The fifth and sixth patients were
treated with the different contingencies (an initial 6-lbs.
weight gain and then a further 10-lbs. increase before
hospital discharge) while using the same reinforcements
as patients one, two, and three (activity). This paradigm
was also successful for short-term weight gain.
The significance of this study is that reinforcers were
specifically tailored to individual patients.
In 1975, Brady and Rieger reported a 1972 Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania study involving 16 anorectic
Learning & Behavioral Approaches to Treatment
patients treated with operant conditioning combined
with other treatment modalities (medication, group
therapy, occupational therapy, etc) [15]. Behavior
analysis was conducted during an initial four- to five-day
observation period, and reinforcers were individualized
for each patient. These included increased activity privi-
leges, access to textbooks, personal hygiene materials,
other patients for socialization, and reduction of medi-
cation dosage. Reinforcement was given daily, contin-
gent on a weight increase of 1/2 lb. All patients gained
weight, averaging 4.07 lbs. per week. This study is signif-
icant for more refined diagnostic criteria, including
greater than a 30% weight loss and amenorrhea greater
than six months in female patients. However, the
authors note the absence of exclusion criteria and the
possibility that two schizophrenics were part of the
sample. The study is also notable for a relatively long-
term follow-up in a fairly large sample, ranging from
four to five months after discharge. The results were ex-
tremely variable and included two deaths and several
other patients who "did poorly after discharge."
Pertschuk, continuing the work of Brady and Rieger,
reported a follow-up study of 29 patients, 27 of whom
were treated with operant conditioning for weight gain
in addition to medications [16]. Behavior therapy was
shown effective in 25 of the 27 patients. The study, rang-
ing from 3 to 45 months after discharge, was also signif-
icant for the finding that bulimia developed in ten
patients who did not report this as a problem on admis-
Agras et al reported a 1974 study using five single case
studies to investigate the relative importance of three
variables on weight gain using an A-B-A design [17].
They were reinforcement, size of meals, and infor-
mational feedback.
Reinforcement of daily weight gain was proved effec-
tive as in prior studies, but they also noted that weight
continued to increase during nonreinforcement
phases—although at a decreased rate. At this point, the
hypothesis of hospitalization as a negative reinforcer
was introduced. This was tested by having the patient re-
main for a 12-week period, regardless of weight change,
to remove the "discharge contingent on weight gain" ef-
fect. As predicted, the rate of weight increase declined,
and food intake greatly declined.
Informational feedback consisted of the patient re-
ceiving exact information regarding the number of calo-
ries consumed and mouthfuls of food taken after each
meal plus exact body weight every morning. Under con-
ditions of informational feedback plus reinforcement
versus reinforcement alone, weight clearly improved
under the former.
Size of meal presented versus weight gain was also
tested using a 3,000-calorie-per-day diet versus 6,000
calories, but only a weak treatment effect was noted.
While not demonstrated definitively, the authors felt
that informational feedback was more important than
positive reinforcement, but that combining all three
variables was the most efficacious.
Agras and Werne published a subsequent report in
1977 on the first 25 patients treated at Stanford Univer-
sity [18]. They used a similar protocol and noted that
only three of the 25 patients did not gain weight at dis-
Bhanji and Thompson [19] studied 11 anorectic
patients using operant conditioning often combined
with medications. Patients were allowed to specify their
own hierarchy of reinforcers, and these were made con-
tingent on progressively more stringent criteria—ini-
tially a complete meal but later modified to account for
actual weight gain. All but one patient gained significant
weight at discharge. Long-term (2 to 27 months) follow-
up was attempted using mailed questionnaires, but only
seven were returned, and only three contained a weight
update. The authors concluded that, based on limited
follow-up, operant techniques were useful for initial
weight gain, but were inadequate for long-term main-
tenance of normal eating and weight. However, it is un-
clear whether operant techniques were adequately
maintained after discharge.
Parker et al (1977) reported on ten anorectic females
treated with a combination of psychotherapy and oper-
ant conditioning, and in some cases medication [20]. Re-
inforcement consisted of giving the patient a variable
number of chips contingent on both cooperation with
staff (which was individualized) and weight gain. For ex-
ample, one chip was given for simply coming to weigh-
in, one for maintaining weight, and ten for each 1/2 lb
gained. These could be used to "purchase" passes, so-
cial activities, and other reinforcements that the patient
selected. Additionally, the patients received novelty gifts
at 1-lb weight-gain intervals. All patients are reported to
have gained weight during hospitalization. The authors
also emphasized the need to educate the staff that (1) a
behavioral approach to therapy did not imply a totalitar-
ian ideology, and (2) any comment on a patient's eating
behavior (as opposed to weight) was unproductive.
In 1977 Garfinkel et al studied 42 inpatients and out-
patients [21]. Of the 26 inpatients, 17 received operant
conditioning with other therapies and nine received only
other therapies. No outpatient received behavior ther-
apy. All patients were followed a minimum of one year
after discharge. Results showed that patients treated
with behavioral methods were statistically similar in final
weight to the remainder of the group. The authors also
attempted to design a scale, the "Global Clinical Score,"
to measure parameters other than weight. They con-
cluded that behavior therapy, while not superior to
The Eating Disorders
other methods, was also not harmful, as had been im-
plied [22].
In 1979 Eckert et al [23] did a randomized prospec-
tive study involving 81 patients assigned to either be-
havioral or nonbehavioral treatment. The behavioral
program was similar to prior protocols using privileges
to reinforce weight gain. However, reinforcement was
not individualized and was given in five-day increments.
Both groups received individual psychotherapy, and
half the patients in each group also received cyprohep-
tadine. Results showed no difference in weight gain over
a 35-day period between the behavior versus nonbe-
havior groups. In our opinion, this would tend to under-
score the need for individualizing reinforcement and
suggests there may be a more optimal frequency of re-
inforcement. The authors also attempted to identify
specific subgroups of patients who would benefit more
from behavioral treatment by using psychiatric and so-
cial history pretreatment variables. Although no varia-
ble was statistically significant, it appeared that patients
with little or no prior outpatient treatment gained more
weight with behavioral treatment. Possibly more naive
patients may be more responsive and less resistant to
A large study was reported by Pierloot et al [24] using
a group of 145 patients with a minimum one-year fol-
low-up on 88 of them during 1967 to 1969. Patients
were generally treated with operant conditioning for
weight gain along with other treatment modalities. An
unspecified number of "early patients" received "en-
forced feeding" and medications—a protocol later dis-
Of the follow-up group, 11.4% died, including four
suicides and four deaths secondary to malnutrition.
Using the "Global Clinical Score" of Garfinkel et al [21],
the authors described only one third as having fully re-
covered. Because of the 49% drop-out rate, it is diffi-
cult to assess from this study the effectiveness or
dangers of behavioral treatment.
Reese and Gross published a 1982 report in support
of operant conditioning with positive reinforcement to
facilitate weight gain [25]. Rewards were individualized
and both patient and staff agreed on a behavior con-
tract. An interesting variation of informational feedback
was used. The patient's daily weight was visually dis-
played on a graph, along with a second line indicating
weight expectations to gain privileges. This was designed
to decrease confrontation with staff and give the patient
an increased sense of control, and it also appeared to be
Halmi [26] proposed another variation in treating an-
orectic patients with operant methods, using a general
hospital instead of a psychiatric setting. The stated
advantages included immediate access to medical treat-
ment—which is often necessary for patients severely
emaciated and/or engaged in self-induced vomiting or
laxative abuse. Additionally, there was a postulated in-
crease in willingness of patients to enter "medical treat-
ment" as opposed to "psychiatric" due to a presumed
decrease in denial regarding a "medical condition." The
author's protocol included restriction to bed until a tar-
get weight is achieved and use of bedpans (instead of
bathroom to reduce surreptitious food disposal) until
normal weight is achieved along with other less-severe
deprivation. The goal is immediate restoration of weight
to enable the patient to be more available to more
definitive psychiatric treatment at a later date. Results
of this variation are not clear-cut at the present time.
In addition to standard operant techniques aimed at
promoting weight gain, some authors have suggested
additional behavioral strategies to deal with the cogni-
tive distortions and irrational beliefs in anorexia nervosa
and bulimia [11,27,28].
For example, fear of weight gain or eating certain
foods has been conceptualized as similar to a phobia and
vomiting as similar to an obsessive-compulsive ritual.
In 1976, Williams treated six anorectic patients with
a multifaceted behavioral approach [29]. In addition to
reinforcement of weight gain, he also attempted to sys-
tematically desensitize patients to fears of putting on
weight, disapproval by others, eating, and sexual activi-
ties. He also used aversion techniques (mild electrical
shocks) to decrease pleasure at being thin and engaging
in abnormal eating, along with other "miscellaneous
techniques." No patient gained weight and the author
described the overall results as a "resounding failure."
Perhaps trying to desensitize so many variables re-
sulted in desensitization to the whole program. The
study is, however, significant for its novelty, and it prob-
ably served as a stimulus for refinement of the tech-
nique by subsequent investigators.
In 1977 Monti et al reported a single case study of an
anorectic female with bulimic traits [30]. The treatment
consisted of standard positive reinforcement for weight
gain using contingency contracting and feedback. In ad-
dition, a behavioral analysis revealed "maladaptive
thoughts" (feeling she was a "bad person"), which often
preceded bulimic episodes. These were treated with
deep muscle relaxation and systematic desensitization.
Both reinforcement and desensitization were continued
on a weekly outpatient basis. Results showed that the
patient gained a significant amount of weight during the
inpatient phase, and this continued to a lesser extent
during the six-month outpatient follow-up. Unfor-
tunately, the results are confounded by development of
edema early in treatment. Because of the nature of the
Learning & Behavioral Approaches to Treatment
experimental design, it was not possible to assess the ef-
fect of adding desensitization to other treatment mod-
In 1982 Mavissakalian reported a study of two ano-
rectic patients [27]. Inpatient treatment used proce-
dures specifically aimed at reducing the apparent
"weight phobia" and "ritualistic exercising" components
of the illness in addition to the more common behavioral
methods of reinforcing weight gain based on Agras and
Werne [18]. Compulsive exercise was decreased by
using response prevention by requiring the patients to
spend one hour resting after each 30-minute meal pe-
riod. Thus, the patient was prevented from neutralizing
(ie, "undoing" by exercise) the obsessionally feared con-
sequences of eating—weight gain. The investigator also
noted that this had the effect of exposing the patient to
phobic stimuli (food, weight gain, feelings of fullness)
for 90 minutes per session. During a 30-day treatment
period, this "...exceeds the 20-30 hours of programmed
exposure required in the successful treatment of pho-
bias and obsessive-compulsive behavior."
Both patients gained significant amounts of weight
during hospitalization. Modified behavioral treatment
continued by family members for the patients after dis-
charge. Weight was not only maintained during the
three- to five-month follow-up, but increased. Both
patients became overweight without development of
bulimia. The reasons for them becoming overweight are
unclear. Perhaps this was an exaggerated response to
behavior therapy. The author suggests chance and notes
this occurs in an approximate 5% of anorectics. But he
also calls for further study of behavioral treatment
aimed at the special nature of the phobic and obsessive-
compulsive components in anorexia nervosa. He states
that patients with a simple phobic or obsessive-compul-
sive disorder are aware of the irrationality of their be-
havior, whereas anorectics usually deny this.
Cinciripini et al [28] reported on two anorectic
patients with bulimic traits in a 1983 study designed to
deal with cognitive aspects of the illness via behavioral
methods in addition to operant conditioning for weight
gain. After an initial four-day baseline period, patient
#1 was put on a contingency management program for
weight gain and continued to self-monitor urges and epi-
sodes of bingeing and emesis. After day 25, thought
stopping was added to provide a cognitive control for
these urges. This procedure used ten 60-minute sessions
consisting of slides depicting binge behavior with the
patient instructed to signal the therapist when the scenes
became vivid and distressing. The therapist would then
present a loud (distracting) noise with the word "stop"
and instruct the patient to repeat "stop" to herself while
imagining a relaxing scene after the binge urge declined.
After 28 days, flooding was added to the protocol for
a two-week period. This consisted of (1) having the
patient taste, smell, and handle various "binge foods"
while the therapist vividly described the bulimic act; (2)
exposing the patient to binge items both before and after
meals in the hospital; and (3) exposing the patient to
binge items in the community (restaurants and super-
markets) both with and later without supervision.
Results showed that (1) patient #1 gained weight
with reinforcement alone, and binge episodes stopped
during this phase; (2) with addition of thought stopping,
weight continued to increase, but both binge and vomit-
ing episodes also increased while the frequency of these
urges declined; and (3) toward the end of flooding and
through discharge, binge and vomiting episodes were
gradually eliminated, while some vomiting urges con-
tinued to be reported. Over a two-year follow-up period,
weight was maintained. Although some binge activity
was reported, brief outpatient therapy using flooding
techniques "successfully suppressed immediate binge
In patient #27 therapy consisted mainly of reinforce-
ment for weight gain and response prevention for vomit-
ing. Response prevention eliminated both emesis urges
and episodes and these remained extinguished after this
aspect of treatment was discontinued. The patient
successfully achieved weight gain at discharge but re-
quired brief rehospitalization two months later after
losing 10 lbs. and resuming emesis. She was discharged
after two weeks and had maintained ideal weight at one-
year follow-up. After two years, the patient reported by
telephone a slight weight decrease but no vomiting and
was "functioning well."
The authors concluded that contingency manage-
ment, flooding, and response prevention but not
thought stopping were effective.
Goldberg et al [31] studied a group of 105 female an-
orectic inpatients to evaluate treatment effects on atti-
tudinal dimensions of the illness in addition to the more
common weight gain/calorie intake criteria. Prior to as-
signment to a given treatment mode (eg, cyprohep-
tadine, behavior modification, etc), patients responded
to 63 attitude statements using a four-point scale rang-
ing from agreement to disagreement. Initially hypothe-
sized significant attitudinal dimensions included: denial
of illness, loss of appetite, manipulativeness, am-
bivalence toward parents, fear of fatness, high achieve-
ment goals, cooking as a hobby, decreased sexual desire,
and subjective feeling of hypothermia.
A factor analysis of the 63 items yielded 19 factors ac-
counting for 76.6% of the variance. Of these, 15 were
considered interpretable and 11 were deemed useful as
prognostic indicators. These included: feeling exploited
by staff, fear of fatness, parents at fault, denial of illness,
appetite loss, hypothermia, poor self-care, efforts re-
The Eating Disorders
quired for achievement goals, the illness is due to mys-
terious physical causes, hobby cooking, and decreased
sexual interest.
Attitudes useful as prognostic indicators of weight re-
storation included: less fear of fatness, less denial of ill-
ness, and a lesser feeling that food is sickening to the
stomach. Behavior modification appeared to decrease
fear of fatness, decrease interest in cooking, and make
the patient feel that decreased effort is needed for
Although the identification of a given factor in an
analysis does not automatically imply validity and relia-
bility, this study is significant for its demonstration that
attitudes can be prognostic indicators of weight gain and
useful measurements of behavioral treatment effects.
The evaluation of pretreatment variables may also be
important in individualizing behavioral strategies in fu-
ture studies.
In a 1982 study Fichter et al [32] examined attitude
change (along with other variables) in 24 anorectic in-
patients, 21 of which received behavior therapy con-
sisting of reinforcement or systematic desensitization.
Attitudes and "anorectic behavior" were measured by
having patients use the "Anorexia Nervosa Inventory
for Self-Rating" [32].
Weight increased steadily during the reinforcement
phase to above 80% of ideal body weight on the aver-
age. Specific "anorectic attitudes" (figure conscious-
ness, adverse effect of meals, and bulimia) seemed to
change significantly, but not those of a "general neu-
rotic" nature (feelings of insufficiency, obsessional
traits, and sexual anxieties). While neither Fichter nor
Goldberg attempted to actively change attitudes as part
of their treatment program (ie, cognitive therapy), it
would seem a reasonable course of action in future tri-
als in view of the previously described beneficial changes
in attitude secondary to "traditional" treatment
In 1982 Garner and Bemis [33] published a basic set
of guidelines for cognitive behavioral treatment of ano-
rexia nervosa based on Beck's model for cognitive treat-
ment of depression. They emphasized the finding of
persistent "distorted attitudes and beliefs" even in
weight-recovered anorexia nervosa patients and sug-
gested a theoretical model involving the role of cogni-
tions in the development of the illness.
Their treatment protocol emphasizes (1) the need to
develop motivation for treatment in these patients
(compared with patients with depression), (2) the need
for patient education on both the illness and the theory
of cognitive therapy, and (3) the need for early weight
stabilization using behavioral methods that include role
playing, scheduling pleasant events to enhance the set
of reinforcers beyond the pleasures of weight loss, di-
version techniques (eg, response prevention to decrease
bulimic behavior), social skills training, desensitization
to phobic-like responses to eating and/or weight gain,
and "standard operant technology" to reinforce
desirable behavior.
Cognitive techniques are described separately but in
reality are difficult to separate in an effective treatment
program. The idea is to teach patients to examine the
validity of their belief systems on a moment-to-moment
basis. The therapist is then in a position to introduce the
element of doubt regarding the basic (distorted) belies
in a nonjudgemental fashion. To facilitate this process,
the authors suggested several procedures including (1)
operationalizing beliefs as precisely as possible, (2) de-
centering (ie, ask, "Do your rules apply to others as well
as yourself?"), (3) "What if' technique to reduce the
imagined consequences of feared events, and (4) eval-
uation of automatic thoughts by teaching patients to ask
themselves: What is the evidence, what are alternative
explanations, and what are the realistic consequences if
the analysis is correct? Patients could then test their con-
clusions and expectations in an ongoing manner. In ad-
dition, underlying assumptions (ie, the principles that
organize irrational beliefs) need to be identified to
enable modification using many of the above tech-
The authors conclude that cognitive therapy is com-
patible with other treatment modalities, that the affec-
tive component of the illness must be addressed during
treatment (but not necessarily at the beginning), and by
stating the need for systematic studies to support or re-
fute their treatment approach.
The behavioral treatment of bulimia as an isolated
entity (ie, without anorexia nervosa or other psycho-
pathology) has received much less attention in the lit-
erature. Factors related to this include a blurring of di-
agnostic criteria with anorexia nervosa in the past and
the fact that the mortality rate for bulimia is much lower
than that reported for anorexia nervosa.
In 1982 Rosen and Leitenberg reported on a single
case of "bulimia nervosa" (defined as bingeing, self-in-
duced vomiting, and fear of weight gain in a normal-
weight person) using behavioral methods [34]. They hy-
pothesized that the binge/purge cycle was linked by a
"vicious circle of anxiety" regarding weight gain. Eating
was seen as the cause of anxiety and purging was the
anxiety reducer. Since reduction of anxiety is self-rein-
forcing, the treatment was aimed at reducing the purg-
ing behavior, which the author hypothesized would then
lead to extinction of binge eating and fear of weight gain.
The protocol included obtaining a history of overeat-
ing behavior: types of food, amounts eaten, duration of
Learning & Behavioral Approaches to Treatment
episodes, and also subjective feelings following an epi-
sode. Such feelings included feeling bloated, lightness
around the mouth, worry over poor health, and "con-
tamination" from food consumed. The next step con-
sisted of exposing the patient to the "problem foods"
under staff supervision and preventing the typical re-
sponse (vomiting). The patient was given a detailed ex-
planation of the treatment program and was instructed
to eat an amount of food sufficient to cause vomiting
urges during each session—knowing she would not be
allowed to vomit. The therapist would help the patient
focus on her subjective discomfort until the urge to
vomit disappeared. The duration of the vomiting urge
initially was greater than 90 minutes but decreased over
time as did anxiety ratings. After this phase, the patient
was then instructed to follow a schedule at home of
gradually increasing the number of days per week with
no vomiting. This part of the treatment lasted 44 days,
and the rate of vomiting decreased from 3 to 1.25 times
per day. During ten months of follow-up, there was only
one episode of vomiting. Of interest, the patient also
eventually stopped bingeing—without explicit instruc-
tions by the therapist to do so. It is also noted that the
patient reported that the urge to vomit after eating was
never eliminated but rather was described as much less
distressing and of shorter duration.
Long and Cordle [35] reported on two patients with
bulimia successfully treated with behavioral techniques
on an outpatient basis. After a two-week baseline assess-
ment, with patients keeping a daily record of food intake
and vomiting, one-hour weekly sessions were started.
Treatment concentrated on four main areas: (1) be-
havioral self-control, (2) dietary education, (3) cognitive
restructuring, and (4) resocialization. The behavioral
methods included self-monitoring of binge/purge epi-
sodes, self-targeting of frequency of binge/purge epi-
sodes, visual display of progress on a graph, positive ver-
bal reinforcement by therapist, relaxation training, and
response prevention (ie, increasing intervals after eating
without vomiting). The cognitive restructuring included
"cognitive modeling of covert assertion and thought
management exercises."
Patient "A" required 40 sessions over ten months,
and patient "B" required 12 sessions over three months.
At the end of treatment, both patients were able to eat
"normal" meals without vomiting or laxative use and
were less preoccupied with their own body weight. Fol-
low-up at nine months for patient "A" showed improve-
ment was maintained. Patient "B" at 12 months de-
scribed only two episodes of induced vomiting. The
length of illness may be a crucial factor—the longer
vomiting exists and the increasing frequency over years
may make it a secondary autonomous behavior, which
is reinforcing and will not disappear without special ef-
Fairbum [36] reported on a group of 11 patients with
"bulimia nervosa." This included six patients with a his-
tory suggestive of anorexia nervosa, which complicates
interpretation of the study. Patients were treated on an
outpatient basis in two phases. The first part included
self-monitoring, restricting eating to meal times only,
and setting limited goals at the end of each session. This
generally was accomplished in eight weeks or less. In the
second phase (with bingeing and vomiting now
decreased to an intermittent frequency) antecedent
conditions to loss of control over food were identified,
with the therapist suggesting more adaptive coping
mechanisms. Systematic desensitization was also em-
ployed to decrease anxiety over intake of "forbidden"
(ie, high-calorie) foods.
Results showed nine patients decreased the
frequency of bingeing and vomiting to less than one per
month without significant change in body weight. The
mean duration of treatment was seven months.
The authors noted (in contrast to Rosen and
Leitenberg) that control over food intake seemed to be
the important factor in the binge/purge cycle and that
once this was managed it was not necessary to focus on
the vomiting.
There have been many critics of behavioral tech-
niques applied to eating disorders since its inception.
Bruch has long been a critic of behavior therapy and
considers it damaging [22]. Indeed, death has been re-
ported following an inpatient behavioral regimen [14].
But even Bruch feels that psychotherapy is ineffective
until the malnourished patient can assimilate and
process new information [37]. Blinder pointed out [14]
that weight gain achieved in behavioral therapy should
not be treated as equivalent to comprehensive treat-
ment in the eating disorders; in fact, the very potency of
behavioral techniques may be a hazard in leading to
change in one clinical feature (weight) dissociated from
other clinical improvement. Thus, while it is true that
sometimes behaviorally oriented therapists focus on
weight gain as the sole criterion for improvement, it
need not necessarily be so, nor is it desirable.
Recently Touyz et al [38] compared a strict and
lenient operant conditioning protocol for weight gain in
65 inpatients with anorexia nervosa and found no signif-
icant difference between them. However, they did find
that in the lenient program the patients were better mo-
tivated and accessible to psychotherapy and other
aspects of treatment. Behavior therapy should be
viewed as but one aspect of the total treatment plan and
is consistent with human concern [16].
The Eating Disorders
Specific criticisms of studies in behavioral and cogni-
tive therapy of eating disorders are shared by those in
the basic sciences and medicine as a whole: (1) Do all
the investigators use the same diagnostic criteria? (2) Is
the selection of the sample and its size sufficient to dis-
count bias? (3) Are other variables held constant so
not to contaminate the variable(s) being studied? (4)
How is treatment effectiveness to be evaluated? (5)
What is appropriate follow-up time? (6) Are the results
Generally, many of the early investigators suffered
from not consistently addressing these questions, but as
the field has evolved, later studies have improved.
Accounting for appropriate variables and holding
them constant is an often difficult and subtle exercise,
but necessary to avoid spurious conclusions. For ex-
ample, Goldberg et al [31] initially designed a study to
evaluate the effects of behavior modification and a drug
on weight gain in 105 patients with a diagnosis of ano-
rexia nervosa. Three different hospitals participated,
using the same protocol, and at first there appeared to
be a positive correlation between weight gain and in-
creasing milieu structure. The investigators point out,
however, that when patient prognostic characteristics
were used in the analysis of the data, an entirely differ-
ent conclusion was reached. Their results showed that
differences in weight gain among the hospitals were due
to the kinds of patients admitted to the various hospi-
tals rather than any differences among the hospitals
Studies with a small sample size are common in the
literature and have been criticized. Bemis [39] points
out that many single case studies haven't used an "A-B-
A-B" design, and therefore, specific interventions can-
not be assigned to successful results. For example, both
Rosen et al and Fairburn report positive results stop-
ping or greatly reducing bingeing and purging in a small
number of patients [34,36]. However, Fairburn focused
on food intake while Rosen felt vomiting was more im-
portant and similar to an obsessive-compulsive neuro-
While such disparity precludes generalization, it may
obliquely address the question of homogeneity in eat-
ing disorders. How discreet are the entities of anorexia
nervosa and bulimia? Some investigators describe them
as being linked with other psychiatric disorders
[20,33,40]. Such a finding may have strong implications
for behavior therapy. It seems reasonable that once a
patient's specific problems other than anorexia nervosa
or bulimia are identified, a behavior therapy protocol
could be designed for them. Thus, the behavior therapy
for an eating disorder patient with a phobic component
might involve desensitization or flooding, and a patient
with a depressive component might receive cognitive
therapy [33,39]. Specific treatment tailored to the in-
dividual patient and systematic long-term follow-up to
evaluate such treatment are both clearly needed.
Traditionally, treatment of eating disorders has fo-
cused on patients and their immediate environment (eg,
the hospital, family, etc) with little effort going to the
enormous cultural pressures for thinness. As ex-
emplified by the "Venus de Milo" and the paintings of
Rubens, it is clear that the ideal cultural shape is
In 1980 Garner et al [41] quantified a shift toward a
thinner cultural ideal for females over the last 20 years
using data from Miss America Pageant contestants and
Playboy centerfolds. They noted an increase in diet ar-
ticles in six women's magazines during the same period
and also an increase in population weight norms for
young women using statistics from the Society of
Actuaries. The authors also felt that these trends were
linked to "the apparent increasing prevalence of ano-
rexia nervosa and related eating disorders."
Designing an effective behavioral therapy program
that addresses these issues might include desensitiza-
tion or cognitive components awaits future investiga-
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